
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Policy and regulations of the AUCA Dormitory

Policy and regulations of the AUCA Dormitory


The rationale for creating residential rules and regulations is to make residential life safe and pleasant foreveryone.

Dormitory Property

When a student is assigned to the dormitory, it is understood that the assignment carries with it anobligation to protect University property. A student who violates the dormitory rules stated below or whointentionally or carelessly destroys dormitory property will be penalized with a fine, will be charged for anydamages, and may lose priority for rooming. Specific dormitory regulations include:

a) Furniture may not be removed from the dormitory, from one room to another, or to the hallways.

b) Beds may not be disassembled.

c) Doors to rooms, bathrooms, and closets may not be removed.

d) Use of nails or tape to attach decorations to the walls is not allowed.

e) Students are not allowed access to rooftops.

f) Necessaryrepairs should be reported to the Resident Assistant of the respective floor and should not be

attempted by students.

g) Students may not display offensive materials from their dormitory room windows.

h) Improperuse of technology and equipement is not allowed

Rights Held by the University

The University reserves the right:

a) of entry by authorized personnel for inspection and repair, for disciplinary purposes upon reasonable

cause to suspect violations of University conduct regulations, in an emergency, or for any other

appropriate reason;

b) to levy and collect charges for damage to, unauthorized use of, or alterations to room or equipments;

c) to remove unauthorized or improperly used equipment;

d) to reassign, evict, or levy fines against students who violate rules and regulations described in this

document and policies.

Quiet Hours

In order to secure the right of students to rest and to study free from unreasonable noise and otherdistractions, the University has asked students to respect "quiet hours" - designated evening hours during whichresidents are expected to observe quiet behavior. Quiet hours refer to the period of timefrom 10:00 pm to 7:00 am. Parties orlarge gatherings are not permitted in dormitory rooms at any time and excessive noise should be avoidedat all times.

Commons Areas

Commons areas in the Dormitory are provided to Dormitory residents as a space in which they may gatheroutside of dormitory rooms. Residents must be respectful of the rights of other students to share thisspace, and must be mindful of the noise generated at all times. Quiet hours apply.

Computer Room

The computer room in the Dormitory is provided for study purposes. To respect other students’ right forstudy, noise must be avoided at all times. Social activities must not take place in the computer room.Only Dormitory residents may have access to computers in Computer room. The only exception to this rule isif other students are actively working on academic projects together with residents of the Dormitory.


Only the residents of the Dormitory are allowed to use the kitchen facilities. Residents are responsible forremoving unused or spoiled foods. Any food items left in the refrigerator for an extended period of timewill be thrown away by the Resident Assistant and duty members. Residents are responsible for maintaining kitchencleanliness and turning off kitchen facilities (water faucets, hot plates, etc.) before leaving the kitchenarea. The kitchen provides an equal opportunity for all residents to cook; therefore, personal stoves in rooms are not allowed, for the fire security of AUCA Dormitory residents.

Laundry Room

Only residents of the Dormitory are allowed to use laundry room’s facilities. All residents need to follow the schedule of Laundry days.

Floor facilities

Residents are responsible for removing unused or spoiled foods from floor refrigerators. Any food itemsleft in the refrigerator for an extended period of time will be thrown away by Resident Assistant and duty members.Residents are responsible to keep the floor microwave clean after each usage. Residents have to usemicrowave lids and clean them every time after usage as well.

Dorm Visitation

Dormitories are open to visitors from 7:00am until 9:00p.m. A roommate's right to free access to theroom at all times must not be abridged by visitation. A roommate must not be deprived of the right toprivacy, study time, or sleep because of a guest. When there are infractions of the visitation rules, actionwill be taken against all offending parties according to the following guidelines.

a) In the case of an infraction involving a first-time offense where the guilty parties react in a cooperative

manner the Resident Assistant should give the students a reprimand and first warning.

b) In the case of an infraction involving persons who are not cooperative or who are repeat offenders, the guilty

parties will be reported to the coordinator of the dormitory Ekaterina Sanamiants who will take

further actions.

c) In the case of individuals who are reported for a visitation infraction after having already been warned

by the head coordinator or in a case involving cohabitation, the guilty parties shallbe turned over to the

head coordinator. The head coordinator will then decide the form of penalty depending on the severity of the

case. The consequencesmay include, but are not limited to, the following penalties: loss of priority for room sign-up for the next

year; loss of visitation/guest privileges in one's dormitory; or eviction from the dormitory system.

a) Residents may not have long term guests in the residential facilities. Guests may only stay in a

dormitory room with the permission of all persons assigned to the room or suite. Residents should register

their guests with the Resident Assistant and Security.

b) Guests are required to abide by University policy including policies governing alcohol and drug use.

Residents will be held responsible for any damages or infractions perpetrated by guests.

c) Privileges to have guests in the residential halls may be revoked if a student's guests violate University


e) The University assumes no financial responsibility for lost or stolen property. Please contact your

Resident Assistant if you become aware of a theft or of intrusions by unauthorized persons.

Personal Possessions

University insurance does not cover personal losses. Students should take precautions to protect personalbelongings from theft, fire, water damage, or other loss.

Alcohol and Smoking

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in dormitory common rooms. Opened containers of alcoholicbeverages (including cups) are forbidden in all public areas of the residence hall. Possession of alcohol bystudents under the age of 18 is prohibited and will be punished.

Smoking is prohibited in the dormitory.


The intentional destructionof University property (furniture, windows, etc.) will be penalized atminimum with a fine (the amount of whichwill be determined by the Power Plant Department and Dormitory Coordinator).


No pets are allowed in the dormitory.


NGA residents must arrive to the dormitory before 00:00and are not allowed to leave the territory of thedormitory after 00:00. To enforce curfew, unannounced checks are tobe implemented.

In cases of leaving for a night, NGA students must inform their Floor Resident Assistant and complete Overnight leave form () and the person responsible for the student must inform (call) the RA.


Anyoccurrence which can harm or threaten the health/life of the resident, and happened outsideof the dormitory territory, does not fall under the responsibility of the AUCA dormitory administration.

If a student ignored the curfew and became the victim of threatening and dangerous situationafter 00:00, the administration does not take responsibility forthe outcomes or the reasons of the conflict/occurrence outside of the dormitory territory.

Health/ Medical check-up

All the students are required to pass HIV/AIDS and Syphilis (micro-reaction) blood tests, before or at the very beginning oftheir placement at the dormitory. The results of the test should be submitted to the medicaloffice.

Bed linen

All residents must have new bed sets while their stay at the dormitory. Studentsare obliged to purchase new bed sets before their placement at thedormitory.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028