Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: October 19 - November 01, 2015
More than 3 thousands of repatriates came to Kazakhstan since the beginning of the year.Most of them came from Uzbekistan In Russian: .
ILO constituents endorsed national OSH profile “Labour Protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan” In English: .
Preferences for Kyrgyz migrants In Russian: .
Ex-President of Kyrgyzstan R.I.Otunbaeva took part in the Global Forum on Migration and Development In Russian: .
Information on work with new settlements and internal migrants In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor and youth to fix up 2 thousand Kyrgyz citizens for jobs abroad In Russian: .
Migration from Kyrgyzstan to Russia. Main reasons In Russian: .
Germany to finance the implementation of labor market information system in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Remittances reduced nearly for $ 400 million - National Bank In Russian: .
Australia is considering the possibility of resettlement of illegal migrants in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Tajikistan remains the most dependent country on the migrants’ resources in Central Asia In Russian: .
Honorary Consul of the RT included in the Public Advisory Council at the FMS of the Krasnodar Territory In Russian: .
Role of media in preventing negative in the families of migrant workers discussed in Khujand In Russian: .
Medvedev promised to complete the work on the death of the migrants’ child in St. Petersburg In Russian: .
Uzbekistan less than Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan depends on remittances - EDB In Russian: .
Uzbekistan starts labor program In Russian: .
Russia and the Central Asian countries have mutual interest in labor migration In Russian: .
Putin about the crisis in migration: uncontrollable processes reinforce nationalism In Russian: .
FMS to automatically check for the payment of a patent for a job in Russia In Russian: .
FMS: more than 3.7 million migrants are in Russia illegally In Russian: .
Council of Ministers approved an implementation plan on the concept of migration policy in Russia up to 2025 In Russian: .
Sale of labor patents covered the expenses for construction of the migration center In Russian: .
Legislative Assembly approved the increase in the cost of a patent for migrants In Russian: .
Kudrins’ committee waiting for immigration crisis In Russian: . |
Residents of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, as a source of foreign capital consider Russia In Russian: .
CSTO and IOM discussed migration situation in the CSTO countries In Russian: .
EDB Centre for Integration Studies: Young generation in the EEU approve of Eurasian integration, but would still prefer to work and study in the EU and the U.S. In English: . |
International News
Ways to resolve the immigration crisis to de discussed in Brussels In Russian: .
China and developed countries face a shortage of migrant workers - media In Russian: . |
Migration, abandoned wives, polygamy is the norm of living... or a challenge to our society? In Russian: .
Aibek Azyrankulov: Upon accession to the EAEC issues of our migrants addressed In Russian: .
To grow potatoes in the Pamir or being a migrant in Russia? In Russian: .
Migration. A year in the temporary detention facility In Russian: .
There are own "gigolos" among the migrants in Moscow In Russian: .
"Migration deal" of EU and Turkey: Who will outwit? – K. Gasanov In Russian: .
Russia tightens control over migration In Russian: .
"As if I'm an animal": migrants about life, family and children In Russian: .
CB: voluntary medical insurance standard for labor migrants under registration in the Ministry of Justice In Russian: .
Employers are not interested in experience and education of migrant workers In Russian: .
Moscow "is driving the plan" for the deportation of the Tajiks In Russian: .
World on the brink of "the great migration" In Russian: . |
Labor Migration, Remittances, and Human Development in Central Asia In English: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 21, November 2015 In Russian: .
New Issue of “Compatriots” № 10, October 2015 In Russian: .
New issue of "Voice of Tajik", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho" № 80 In Russian: .
World Migration Report 2015 – Migrants and Cities: New Partnerships to Manage Mobility In English: .
How the World Views Migration In English: .