
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - News Digest No 13



Date: May 11-17, 2012



Kazakhstanis can stay in Russia up to 30 days without registration
Kazakh and Russian sides have developed a draft Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on rules of stay for Kazakh citizens in the Russian Federation and Russian citizens in the territory of Kazakhstan, providing that citizens of both countries, temporarily residing in the territory of the countries are released from the obligation to register within 30 days.
In Russian: or here.

Labor and Social Protection Minister on official visit in West Kazakhstan oblast
Minister of Labor and Social Protection Gulshara Abdykalikova has started her official visit to West Kazakhstan oblast. The Minister is interested in the implementation of the program “Employment 2020” and in establishing new industries and creating new jobs.
In Russian: .


30 thousand foreigners work in Kazakhstan
Nearly 30 thousand foreigners work in Kazakhstan now, majority of them in top-managerial positions. “Today we have more than 29 thousand foreign specialists, this is a relatively small number and makes up 0.3% of the economically active population,” – said Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan Birzhan Nurumbetov.
In Russian: .

Kazakhstani men more often become victims of slavery than women
This was communicated by the Director of Regional Office of the US Agency on International Development (USAID,) Erin Elizabeth MacKee. “One can find human trafficking victims not only in brothels. They work on construction sites, in restaurants, at petrol filling stations” – she elaborated at the roundtable titled “Human trafficking in Kazakhstan”.
In Russian:

Stories of ordinary Kazakhstanis through prism of "Employment Program 2020"
The site pm.kz started publishing stories of ordinary Kazakhstanis, who became members of the "Employment Program 2020." Through these stories visitors of the site can learn about how to get a job and become a professional in a specific field, or how to achieve success in the agricultural business.
In Russian: .


Preventive action “Nelegal” launched in Karaganda oblast
Recently, a preventive operation "Nelegal 2012" has been launched in Karaganda oblast. The purpose of this action is to fight against illegal migration, combat illegal immigration of third country nationals and trafficking in the territory of CSTO member states.
In Russian: or here.

Kostanay resident fined for illegal employment of migrant workers from Uzbekistan
The fact was discovered by the police during the "Nelegal" operation, launched recently. In just two days during the PSO "Nelegal 2012" police checked 3,340 sites. 171 foreign citizens have been brought to administrative charges for the breach of rules of residence, 94 foreigners were arrested for late check-out upon the expiry of their registration. 350 citizens of Kazakhstan were brought to administrative responsibility for violation of documentation and registration rules.
In Russian: .




Organization Committee for 1st World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and Compatriots was set up
According to the decision made at a meeting of its Board of Directors, Zamandash Association has set up an Organization Committee to organize and conduct the Congress; in addition, a plan of activities has been approved.
In Russian: .


A. Jeenbekov discusses simplified registration procedure of Kyrgyz migrants in the territory of the Russian Federation with Chairperson of State Duma S. Naryshkin
During the meeting A. Jeenbekov drew attention to problems of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan working in Russia, and suggested to review the issue of a simplified registration procedure for labor migrants staying in the RF. He also invited S. Naryshkin for an official visit to Kyrgyzstan.
In Russian: or here.


JK Committee endorses bill stipulating tough terms and procedures for entry and stay for foreign nationals
The Jogorku Kenesh Committee has approved a bill aimed at tightening the terms and procedures for entry and stay of foreign citizens and stateless people in the territory of Kyrgyzstan through tightening administrative responsibility for individuals, inviting foreigners to reside in the territory violating rules of stay.
In Russian: or here.


Government forms Working Group to work on concept of reforming salaries of public sector employees
Kyrgyzstan’s Prime Minister O. Babanov has signed a decree on establishing a Working Group to draft a law that would impose new terms of salary payment on public and municipal employees of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Working Group is assigned to develop and submit a draft law before August 1, 2012 to the parliament.
In Russian: or here.


By 2014 Kyrgyzstan plans to raise average salary by nearly 15 thousand som - Deputy Economy Minister
Deputy Minister of Economy and Antitrust Policy, Sanjar Mukanbetov, reported that the average salary will rise due to economic growth, which is estimated at 7.5%, and due to an increase of the budget revenue.
In Russian: or here.


Bishkek Employment Service to train unemployed citizens in 11 lyceums and 9 training centers in 2012
1,863 thousand people were trained in 2011; 630 people in January-March of 2012. Specializations, which are in demand in labor market, are offered in the training course. In particular, for accountants with knowledge in the "1-S" program,  administrative assistants with knowledge in computer literacy and English cooks, PC users, tailors, drivers, hairdressers, construction specialists, etc.
In Russian: or here.


Kyrgyzstan runs a Russian language training program for migrant workers
In the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan, a pilot project for labor migrants to study Russian is being conducted. In consequence of this pilot project 90 people have already been trained and half of them are already working in St. Petersburg.
In Russian: .


Human trafficking issues discussed in Bishkek
Recently, a roundtable on "Trafficking in KR: Threats, Challenges and Solutions" was held in Bishkek, which was attended by representatives of the government and civil society organizations. The agenda of the program included a presentation of the Annual Report (2011) of the government in countering and combating trafficking of persons, a presentation of existing KR legislation assessment to combat human trafficking by UNODC (United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime) and a presentation on initiated cases, investigation and disclosure of crimes in human trafficking.
In Russian: or here.


Some government officials ready to help criminals of human trafficking to escape punishment - head of public organization N. Kerimbaeva
Head of the NGO "Danko" N. Kerimbaeva, speaking at a roundtable on "Human Trafficking in the KR - Threats, Challenges and Solutions" stated that the imperfect legislation, lack of evidence base and other factors contribute to this problem. She suggested introducing an article in the Criminal Code, where information about the identity of victims and witnesses should be kept confidential, which would exclude the possibility of pressure on them by interested people.
In Russian: or here.


140 victims of human trafficking returned to Kyrgyzstan from Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and UAE in 2011
This was reported at the roundtable "Human Trafficking in the KR: Threats, Challenges and Solutions". On the complaint of similar problems, 13,800 citizens of Kyrgyzstan appealed to Kyrgyz authorities, more than 8.5 thousand Kyrgyzstanis called the telephone hotline. MIA filed 9 evidence-based cases last year. Several changes in procedure, civil and family codes, and increased penalties for violations of the procedural code have been introduced.
In Russian: or here.


Philippe Le Houérou: Labor forces were almost eradicated for the last 20 years in Kyrgyzstan
At a panel discussion on development of the private sector with the participation of investors and international donors, the Vice President of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region, Philippe Le Houérou, has stated that businessmen in Central Asia and Eastern Europe complain about the difficulty of finding skilled human resources.
In English: .  


7% of Kyrgyzstanis received Russian citizenship in the last 15 years
According to the official data of the National Statistics Committee (NSC), passport offices and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of the Russian Federation, 380,000 Kyrgyz citizens have received Russian citizenship since 1997. According to a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR, 130,000 interstate migrants have received Russian passports from 1997 to 2004, 250,000 from 2004 to 2011, 91,924 people from 2008 to 2010, and 40,000 Kyrgyz citizens became owners of red passports last year.
In Russian: . 


A. Jeenbekov meets Kyrgyz diaspora in St. Petersburg
The delegation of the KR Parliament, visiting St. Petersburg to participate in the meetings of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC, IPA and CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, met with members of the Kyrgyz diaspora. Speaker of Parliament, Asylbek Jeenbekov, commented on the role of migrant workers in contributing to the economy of the country and assured that the problems of migrant workers will be raised at meetings of inter-parliamentary organizations in able to find solutions for them.
In Russian: . 


Migration outflow of Kyrgyzstanis decreased significantly in 2011
The demographic situation from January-December 2011 can be characterized by a decrease in external migration activity, according to the report of the government. Thus, between January and December 2011, 5.7 thousand people arrived in the country for permanent residence, 44.2 thousand have left, and the migration outflow is estimated at 38.5 thousand people (46 thousand – in January-December 2010).
In Russian: .


Three Kyrgyz citizens denied entry to Russia
On May 14, Kyrgyzstanis traveling on the Bishkek-Moscow train, were taken off the train with a letter “barred from entry in the territory of the Russian Federation” and were sent in the opposite direction to Kyrgyzstan at the border control. Departure evasion at the expiration of the 90-day stay period, the absence of a work permit or license, as well as administrative charges form the basis for a decision to bar foreign nationals from entry into the RF territory, or if foreign nationals are unwanted.
In Russian: .


Six Kyrgyz citizens fined for false documents in Moscow
In Moscow, a judge condemned six citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The court found that the Kyrgyz citizens used false documents deliberately. They did not have any foreign national work permit documents.
In Russian: .


"Ak Jol" Society in Karelia expands friends circle
Kyrgyz labor migrants in the Korelian Republic have decided to create a National-Cultural Autonomy and to jointly resolve problems. The Autonomy was able to initiate and conduct a "Day of Assistance to Migrants," and several other workshops and meetings.
In Russian: . 


"Manas Ata" team takes third place in the I Regional Open Tournament of men’s volleyball "Friendship of Nations - 2012" in Samara
Recently, the finals of the First Regional Open Tournament for men's volleyball "Friendship of Peoples - 2012" was held at the sports complex "Arena" in Samara city, where the "Manas-Ata" Team won the third place.
In Russian: .


Kyrgyzstan received 200 “Cargo 200” in 2011
158 of these arrived from Russia, 42 from Kazakhstan; this was informed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ruslan Kazakbaev at the Jogorku Kenesh meeting. According to him, since the beginning of 2012, 21 coffins have arrived in the country, including bodies of 7 Kyrgyzstanis killed in other countries.
In Russian: .




Belarus to ratify the agreement on labor migration from Tajikistan in the near future
An intergovernmental agreement on temporary employment of citizens of Tajikistan in Belarus and Belarusian citizens in Tajikistan will be ratified by the Belarusian side in the near future. The Tajik side has already ratified the agreement.
In Russian: .


Ubaidulloev and Naryshkin support expansion of Tajik-Russian relations
Issues of developing Tajik-Russian Inter-Parliamentary ties recently were discussed in St Petersburg at the meeting of Majlis Milli’s Chairperson (Higher Chamber of the Parliament) of Tajikistan Makhmadsaid Ubaidulloev and Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin. The meeting’s participants talked about humanitarian cooperation and issues related to the protection of Tajik labor migrants’ rights working in the territory of the Russian Federation.
In Russian: .


Tajikistan arranges organized recruitment and sending of labor migrants The Head of the Migration Service under the government of Tajikistan Safiallo Devonaev introduced the representatives of “Tochikkhorichakor” (Tajikistan’s external labor agency) with basic rules and procedures of organized recruitment and sending labor migrants off abroad. During the meeting, Devonaev noted that the issue of organized recruitment and sending the migrants off is very topical at present and is not completely regularized: “we have to find the most optional forms and methods to implement the planned tasks”.
In Russian: .


Major Russian agricultural industry may recruit Tajik labor migrants
The administration of a major Russian agricultural industry “Kulikovo” is interested in recruiting and using labor force from Tajikistan. Staff of the Russian representative office who recently visited “Kulikovo”, located in Moscow oblast’s Dmitrov Raion, held negotiations with the administration of the company.
In Russian: .


Russia does not need 80% of labor migrants
According to the Head of the Public Movement “Tajik Labor Migrants” Karomat Sharipov, Russia does not need 80% of labor migrants, staying and working in Russia. Now the Tajik government is taking measures on regulating labor migration flows, strengthening social protection of migrants, and raising their professional level, Russian language skills and specificities of the receiving country.
In Russian: .


Adult Learners' Week started in Dushanbe
It took place in Dushanbe on May 14 and lasted until May 18. During the week, a Migrants Day was also held. From May 15 to the end of the month, the doors of a public institution "Center for Adult Education of Tajikistan" were open for visits and registration in professional courses.
In Russian: .


Labor migration from Tajikistan discussed in Volgograd
The discussion touched upon issues of law implementation by law enforcement agencies with regard to labor migrants from Tajikistan, and upon issues of arrival and legalization of labor migrants from Tajikistan in the Volgograd region, as well as cooperation with the structures of the Republic, which have a license for the supply of labor going to Russia.
In Russian: .

“Somon Air” and “Tajik Air” reduce air ticket cost to Moscow
Tajik air-companies “Somon Air” and “Tajik Air” are reducing the cost of air tickets for flights on the route of Dushanbe-Moscow. In the last third of May the air-companies intend to reduce the cost of tickets to Moscow: the cost will be reduced from Euro 450 to Euro 440.
In Russian: .

“Tajik Air” increases number of flights from Kurgan-Tube to Moscow
From May 11 onwards flights of “Tajik Air” from Kurgan-Tube to the capital of the Russian Federation will run three times a week. The flights are scheduled for Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.
In Russian: .




Ensuring employment for citizens is a priority task
The State Program on creation of jobs and employment for 2012 envisages the creation of more than 967,000 jobs. Hokim I. Dzhuraev reported on the process of creating new jobs, shortcomings made and problems in Shafirkan Raion of Bukhara oblast in the first quarter of 2012.
In Russian: .

Uzbekistan’s campaigns against prostitution
Uzbek authorities have launched a country-wide campaign against prostitution utilizing a variety of campaign methods. In addition to running public awareness campaigns on state television, Uzbek law enforcement officials are also conducting street raids.
In English: . 


Different passport stamps on permanent residency to be put in passports of Tashkent residents and visitors
Instructions on rules and regulations of permanent residence in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent oblast were approved in Uzbekistan. For citizens who received permanent residence in Tashkent and Tashkent oblast on the base of inheritance, guardianship, marriage, or appointment to a job, a special stamp of a permanent record will be affixed on the passport, which would indicate that the passport holder is legal in accordance with the relevant provisions of law. Those citizens, who are not included in these categories, will receive usual stamps of continuing registration on their passports.
In Russian: or here.


Measures to counter human trafficking
Tashkent has hosted a seminar on the results of a public awareness campaign to prevent and combat human trafficking. Participants of the seminar have deeply analyzed the work carried out on the ground of this issue.
In Russian: .


Moscow to stage "Uzbek": fate of an emigrant
In Moscow, the Sakharov Center’s Exhibition Hall will host a premiere of the play "Uzbek" directed by T. Batalov. The director and actor T. Batalov came up with a project based on his own biography, therefore he played solo in the play.
In Russian: or here.


Uzbek citizen illegally staying in the Karaganda oblast of Kazakhstan arrested for 30 days
A 40-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan was recently arrested in Zhezkazgan of Kazakhstan. During the check it turned out that he was expelled from the country by a court back in March for violating immigration laws. However, he had not obeyed the court decision.
In Russian: or here.




Government prepares Migration Policy Concept implementation plan
Russia’s government should prepare a plan on the realization of the Migration Policy Concept – 2025, informs Secretary of Security Council of the RF Nikolai Patrushev. “The government has been instructed to prepare the plan in three months,” – said Patrushev at the meeting of the SC RF.
In Russian: .


Dmitri Medvedev urges solving migration problems taking world’s best practices into account
“Migration issues are the subject of serious discussion made by the society. Therefore, we have to identify key tasks for the short-term and longer-term perspective, and the tasks should be identified taking the world’s best practices into account; the international practice shows that migration processes become a systematic phenomenon,” – said Medvedev at the meeting of the Security Council on migration issues.
In Russian: .


Russia to toughen punishment for breaching legislation laws
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin instructs the government to prepare proposal on toughening punishment for violation of migration legislation until December 2012.
In Russian: .


Medvedev urges to “act in a more persistent and tough manner” in socio-cultural adaptation of migrants
“Serious blame lies upon unsolved problems of socio-cultural adaptation of migrants,” – stated Dmitri Medvedev at the meeting of SC RF. He admitted that “the impact of the realization of the number of special programs providing integration of foreigners into Russian society still remains at a low level.” “This is not only our problem, these kind of problems also exist in European countries, but this does not mean that we should wash our hands of it, but it means that we should act in a more persistent and tough manner,” – noted Medvedev.
In Russian: .


Automated system of control at entry and departure of foreigners can be arranged in one-two years
The Director of the Federal Migration Service Konstantin Romodanovsky believes that the mass catching of illegal migrants will not be a panacea in solving problems of illegal migration and notes that an automated system of control at entry and departure of foreigners can be arranged in one to two years.
In Russian: .


Migrants in Russia to be monitored by an electronic document
Not only an electronic document replacing the majority of existing paper documents, but also a special document monitoring migrants may appear soon in the country.
In Russian: .


Expert: Russia should toughen sanctions against expelled migrants
A fierce dispute on the quality of execution of migration legislation took place during a conference which was held in St. Petersburg. The Chair of the Pushkin District Court Ya. Zholobov stated that the implementation of laws related to expulsion of foreigners from the territory of the RF raised many questions.
In Russian: .

MPs suggest discussing problems of migration to Leningrad oblast at federal level
At a meeting with the head of the Leningrad oblast Valeri Serdukov and representatives of oblast administration, the deputies talked about issues of labor migration to the region. At the request of the LDPR Leader Andrey Lebedev, the chair of the Committee on Labor and Employment of Population Alexander Karavansky told why the migration quota in the oblast has grown and will grow again.
In Russian: .


Matvienko: St. Petersburg needs highly educated migrants
At a meeting with the St. Petersburg businessmen, the chairman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko said that now St. Petersburg not only is in need of laborers, but also of "highly educated migrants."
In Russian: .


Inflow of migrants not to be limited in Sakhalin
The Sakhalin authorities will not limit the migrant inflow in the oblast. Participants of the recently held meeting of the Regional Committee of the Security Council on the border and immigration policy noted that the branch executive authorities, while reviewing applications, should give preference to specialists with a high professional level of qualification, who cannot be replaced by Russian citizens.
In Russian: .

Tomsk oblast needs more migrant workers
Tomsk oblast’s economy will be improved with the help of migrant workers. Urban and regional authorities are going to jointly develop a program on "Labor migration as a resource for socio-economic development of Tomsk oblast". Its main objective is a comprehensive study of the socio-demographic situation in the region.
In Russian: .


First issue of Russian language courses for migrants to be held in Vladivostok
The first issue of Russian language courses for migrant workers will be held in late May at the Russian school FEFU and in future the courses will be continued. On completion of the course, graduates will receive a certificate that will help them in many cases, including obtaining a residence permit.
In Russian: .


Kaluga to open a detention center for illegal migrants
Kaluga will open a detention center for foreign nationals subjected to deportation from the Russian Federation. Kaluga takes one of the first places on number of migrants working in the oblast.
In Russian: .

Marriage for the sake of citizenship
The State Duma plans to review a bill stipulating divorce in case of a marriage contracted with the aim to obtain documents for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. The authors of the bill point to the fact that about 80% of applications to the Federal Migration Service for permission for temporary residence in Russia are done after marriage of Russians with foreigners.
In Russian: .


Moscow FMS Department sold work permits
The Investigation Committee of Russia has completed an investigation of the illegal issuance of work permits for labor migrants. During the investigation, a former Secretary of the Moscow FMS Department admitted her guilt.
In Russian: .


Deputy suspected of using services of illegal migrants
A deputy is suspected of organizing illegal migrants’ stay in the territory of Russia in the Vladimir oblast, who used the migrants in his entrepreneurial activities.
In Russian: .


Gang selling fake documents in Metro arrested
The Police of Moscow Metro has detained an organized criminal group engaged in designing and marketing counterfeit immigration documents. 21 members of the organized criminal group, mostly natives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, were detained at the Metro Station "Komsomolskaya".
In Russian: .  

Kursk bailiffs expel 17 foreigners from Russia
17 foreign citizens from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Georgia and the Ukraine were evicted by bailiffs in Kursk oblast out of the Russian Federation. As an administrative penalty, each was fined for a total of 2000 rubles to the administrative deportation from the Russian Federation. Also, the expelled persons are barred to enter Russian territory for 5 years.
In Russian: .




CIS introduces unified method of risk assessment in the field of migration
Recently in Minsk, Chairman of the Joint Commission of the Commonwealth - the Agreement on cooperation in the fight against illegal migration, A. Kuznetsov said that law enforcement agencies of member-states of the CIS will use the unified methodology to assess the risks of illegal migration.
In Russian: .


Loan market for migrants appears in Russia
Now in Russia, citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan can obtain a money loan with little effort. In the last several months, financial organizations started to appear which are specialized in a segment unpracticed until now – issuing loans to labor migrants.
In Russian: .


Gavkhar Juraeva: Tutorials may help migrants pass examinations
It is necessary to develop tutorials for migrants to help them prepare for examinations in Russian language, history and Basics of Russian Law, believes the head of informational-legal center on "Migration and Law" Gavkhar Juraeva.
In Russian: .


International News


Unemployment in the USA decreases but new job creation decelerates
In April unemployment in the USA dropped by 0.1% to 8.1%, however, new job creation is slowing down in the country. Such controversial statistics were presented by the Labor Ministry of the USA that gave a chance to President Barack Obama to announce “good news” but at the same time this allowed his Republican opponent Mitt Romney to point at the “absence of progress” in the recovery of the American economy.
In Russian: .


America sets record for immigrants
The US Census Bureau released statistical data showing that the number of Americans born in other countries reached a record of 40 million people.
In Russian: .


Racism, bullying, threats ... daily life of migrant workers
Hundreds of migrant workers continue to live in a climate of fear, poverty stricken, subjected to inhuman conditions and indebted to gang masters, a report published today reveals. 'Experiences of Forced Labour in the UK Food Industry', a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and one of the largest studies on the plight of those in the industry of farm and factory to those toiling in restaurants, found a catalogue of abusive practices.
In English: .




Migrants to be tested in Russian
Russian authorities intended to introduce compulsory Russian examinations, history and basics of Russian legislation for a long time. Starting from November 2012, their plans will be realized. Probably, the work on testing migrants’ knowledge will be conducted parallel to issuing work permits.
In Russian: .


Myths about "invasion"
Yurii Moskovsky, Director of the Project Development Fund for International Relations "Dobrososedstvo" and representative of the Moscow Federal Migration Service Department, analyzes the prevailing myths and legends about migrants in Russia.
In Russian: .


...do not be afraid of man in skullcap...
Muslims, contrary to their customs, tried and are trying to meet European civilization, in spite of the fact that sometimes it is against Muslim traditions, and antagonizes the Muslim clergy and respected elders; Muslims of the CIS were and are taking measures, also for the sake of tolerance.
In Russian: .


Five prejudiced ideas about Tajik migration
In Tajikistan, migration remains so topical that sometimes it is difficult to clearly separate the facts from pre-formed, pre-conceived ideas. The Director of the Institute of Migration to the Russian-Tajik University has analyzed the most popular ideas about Tajik migration and rendered some of the misconceptions.
In Russian: .


Yu. Mansurov: Russians have to change attitude towards migrant workers
Russians have to rid themselves of suspicion and negative attitudes towards foreign workers, as the country's economy would stagnate without them, and probably would not be competitive. This opinion was expressed by a Professor of Innovation, Quality, Standardization and Certification of the Far Eastern Federal University, Dr. of Technical Sciences Yulbarhson Mansurov.
In Russian: .


Labor migration of financing
In the Russian financial market, a new specific point in growth is gaining momentum, still virtually untapped by investor activities of crediting labor migrants from Central Asia. The microfinance company "Mol.Bulak.ru." is the first to become active in this client segment.
In Russian: .


"For legal work!"
This May 1st was the most active of all post-Soviet years. But only in the streets of Moscow did the number of people reach about 150 thousand people. 35-40 workers from Asian republics came to take part in the activities of the independent Confederation of Labor of Russia. They rallied under the slogans "Migrants are not slaves!", "For legal work and legal wages."
In Russian: .


Many migrants were invited, and now they do not know how to get rid of them
Vladivostok in recent years has set a good example for "efficiency" of the migration policy of Russia. Now the epic construction of the Summit Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is just coming to an end. Foreign guest workers were invited to close the last outfits, and now local authorities acutely raise the daunting challenges: how to get rid of the hordes, how to ensure the return of migrants to where they originated, so that they are not dispersed in the region at the end of "the project of the century".
In Russian: -.


M. Zhapanov: "We should feel Kyrgyzstan - as a single body with our compatriots, Kyrgyzstanis, who are outside of our country"
An interview about the organization of the "First World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and compatriots" is given by the executive director of the Association of Kyrgyz Diasporas in Russia and Kazakhstan "Zamandash", Mairambek Zhapanov.
In Russian: .


Gulbahor Mahkamova: "Female entrepreneurship as a phenomenon in RT attracts and interests..."
Gulbahor Mahkamova, Chairman of the National Association of Business Women of Tajikistan, describes a new ambitious project, "Farah-2012" and the difficulties of women's entrepreneurship.
In Russian: . 


"Does Russia need migrant workers" (Video)
Chairman of the Russian Public Movement “Tajik labor migrants” Karomat Sharipov visits Komsomolskaya Pravda. Topic of discussion: "Does Russia need migrant workers" (Video).
In Russian: .


Parliament.kg: all these are words only
Within 2 years of work, deputies of the Kyrgyz Parliament accepted more than 1 thousand decrees: most of them are recommendations to different specialized Committees which ask them to take into account MPs’ remarks on bills during the second Parliamentary reading. But there are some decrees which oblige the government to take measures in fulfilling MPs’ instructions; some of which are controversial. For example, the decision of Parliament to make a head of Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission Kimmo Kiljunen a persona non grata.
In English: .


Often, young men have new families in Russia and leave the first one to their fate. "Street" children of Tajikistan
Often men, who went to work abroad, send little or no money to their families, or they start a new family in Russia, and leave the former one to their fate. As a result, vagrancy, begging, illegal street trading and other offenses become common among teenagers.
In Russian: .


“I only want to marry a Tajik”
22-year-old Nilufar has been living with her family in Volgograd since she was five. On the insistence of her parents and friends, she tries to establish contacts with her compatriots over the Internet. Studying at two universities, she spends all of her free time on social networks and dating sites, which are visited by young men and women from Tajikistan.
In Russian: .




Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners in Home and Host Countries
Governments at both ends of the migration cycle increasingly recognize the value of diasporas’ spontaneous engagements with their countries of origin and are seeking ways to cooperate with them. Beyond the remittances they send back to their homelands (more than USD 400 billion in 2010), diasporas are major direct investors in critical and emerging industries, known patrons of nascent tourism initiatives, and generous philanthropists. The question facing policymakers is not so much whether diasporas can benefit their countries of origin, but how they do so and what kinds of government policies and programs can foster these relationships.
In English: .


Migration Policy Practice (Volume II, Number 2, April–May 2012)
Migration Policy Practice is a bimonthly journal published jointly by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Eurasylum Ltd. It only contributes articles from, and is overseen by, senior officials in Government, EU and international organizations, as well as civil society worldwide, working in the field of migration policy.
In English: .


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American University of Central Asia
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