
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - News Digest No 55

News Digest on Migration in Central Asia No 55

Date: November 01 – 14, 2013             



  Kazakh Parliament adopted amendments to the Law on Migration

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Migration issues - under special control

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Senate of Kazakhstan proposes to take fingerprints of migrant workers

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Kazakhstan complicate employment for migrants from Kyrgyzstan in 2014

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17.5 thousand jobs created in the city from the beginning of 2013 - Akim of Almaty

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Majilis approved amendments to legislative acts on labour migration

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Almaty launched a three-day working off "Migrant"

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Ministry of Labour calms down: not so much labour migrants in Kazakhstan, compared with other countries

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Salamat Amanbaev : Quota for foreign labour to attract highly skilled specialists

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Commission of the Committee on Migration visited the Centre of adaptation and integration of repatriates

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During 2013 about 76 thouand alien came to Astana 

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Parliamentary committee developed a draft appeal from the Jokorku

Kenesh to the Russian parliament on migrant workers

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Kyrgyzstan offered to cancel the registration of Kyrgyz citizens at the entrance to Kazakhstan

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Migrant workers abroad influence even on the dollar in the Homeland

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Two meetings passed near the Embassy of Russia in Kyrgyzstan

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Aigul Ryskulova: "The establishment of quotas for migrant workers contributes to corruption"

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Igor Shestakov: "The low involvement of government agencies in the processes of migration leads to an increase in illegal migration"

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Association "Zamandash" asks state agencies to join forces in addressing the problems of migrants in Russia

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91鶹 4 thousand citizens of Kyrgyzstan in South Korea today

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133 thousand Kyrgyz citizens received work permits in Russia during the first 9 months of 2013 - the Federal Migration Service

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The rally in Osh against the actions of Russia toward migrant workers ended without incident

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Kyrgyzstan made suggestions on formation of labor market in CIS

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Kyrgyz people take part in the development of the Migration Board in Moscow

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Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Customs Union does not entail automatic preference to migrants

На русском: .


Kyrgyzstan created small community councils on the rights of migrants

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Workshop on employment issues held for residential community neighborhood committees of Bishkek

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91鶹 the consequences of illegal domestic migration in Kyrgyzstan informed at a meeting of the Board of a large public

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Suggested to develop a document guaranteeing the rights for workers

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Fedor Chernitsyn: "The Customs Union will not ensure free movement of Kyrgyz migrants in other CU countries"

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Tekebayev: Migrants who have acquired the citizenship of another country, should have the opportunity to purchase land in private ownership by return home

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Migrants from Kyrgyzstan cannot pay loans back because of the closure of markets in Mytischi and Strogino

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Migration lessons for high school students in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan

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According to official data, 60% of Kyrgyz labor migrants in the host country do not have access to medical services

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91鶹 264 thousand Kyrgyz migrants in Russia are at risk

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2402 Kyrgyzstani from the beginning of the year received Russian citizenship according to the Ministry of Labor

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Dubai now employs 870 Kyrgyz citizens - Ministry of Labor

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96,000 registered unemployed in Kyrgyzstan

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Labor Ministry helps to employ 30,000 people in Kyrgyzstan

In English: . 





  Tajik opposition asks workers not to go to the polls

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Tajik migrant workers in Russia started early voting in the presidential elections

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For half a year more than $ 1.6 billion transferred from Russia to Tajikistan

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Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan: The process of ratification of the agreement on migrants ends

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Dushanbe is necessary to achieve the legalization of labor migrants in Russia - the representatives of the EDB

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Consular Service of the Tajik Embassy in Moscow moved into enhanced mode

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World Bank: In Tajikistan, 59 % of the population has work

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  New jobs

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Employment - an urgent task

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Fingerprinted to get a Schengen visa in Uzbekistan

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Complained to Karimov on the lack of protection of Uzbek migrants in Russia

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Valentina Matviyenko expressed in Tashkent for the strict observance of the legislation in the field of migration

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  Putin against stricter immigration laws

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At the Moscow government set up a working group on migration

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Russia gave its approval to a new stream of migrant workers

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Putin tightened the rules for selling SIM-cards

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Russian "black list" of migrants increases

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Media: Russia wants to ban stay in Russia for foreigners without visas for more than 90 days

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Government can support NGOs to help workers adapt to the Russian Federation

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Head of the Committee on Labor and Employment proposed to replace workers unemployed

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Community organizations to adapt workers

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Work visas will not solve the problem of migrants in the Russian Federation, said Kudrin

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Municipalities are allowed to participate in the coordination of quotas for migrants

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Rogozin proposed to tighten the rules of stay of migrants in Russia

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Experts: a unified system of migrant centers in Russia and Central Asia is needed

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Regulation of migration processes in the CIS countries would be discussed in Minsk

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International News


Europol opened an international network on forging documents for


In Russian: .


Growing with Jobs in Europe and Central Asia

In English: .





  Asian revision. What would happen if Russia will close from  migrants

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Biryulevsk events have nothing to do with migration issues

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"People's news of Tajikistan" on illegal migration

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Human rights activists on labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia and Kazakhstan

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Russia said "no" to illegal immigrants

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The third way to migrate

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Migrants return

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"Improvement of the legal regulation of the status of seasonal workers employed in agriculture" - the results of the study

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Laws on migration

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Migrants: Without a sense of security

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How a student of Moscow State University spent a week in the shoes of a migrant worker

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Guest workers recognized by ID. Near Moscow authorities placed priorities of migration policy - the "MK"

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Legalize cheaper than deport

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Michael Aghajanian: Rahmon between China and Russia and a factor in the election of migrants in Tajikistan

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Russia for the Russian a long ago: do not be afraid of the threat of migrants - expert Sergey Abashin

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Russian business is ready to train future labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan

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Six false myths about migrants that are easily dispelled

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"Improvement of the legal regulation of the status of seasonal workers employed in agriculture" - the results of the study

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Growing number of migrants from China in Kyrgyzstan

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Report on the results of monitoring of services provided by diplomatic

missions and consular offices of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan

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"Kommersant" Magazine

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Email: tspc@auca.kg

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American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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