
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - News Digest No 62

News Digest on Migration in Central Asia No 62

Date: February 07 – 20, 2014  



Labor migrants to be shelved work permit for "incidental" activities in Kazakhstan

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First complete data on employment and unemployment in Kazakhstan to be presented in April 2015 - Statistics Agency

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More than 3 thousand illegal immigrants deported from Kazakhstan in 2013

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36 thousand people came from other regions of Kazakhstan and around the world to Almaty in 2013

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Number of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan is decreased in Kazakhstan

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Kyrgyz MFA amends the Law "On External Migration"

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Board meeting on the results of operations for 2013 with the participation of Vice - Prime – Minister of KR K. Talieva in KR Ministry of Labor, Youth and Migration

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Social Fund of KR and the Pension Fund of RF consult on social insurance of migrants in Bishkek

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Kyrgyz citizens abroad are cashing in on the sale of labor quotas for their compatriots

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Migrants from Kyrgyzstan send more money home

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Kyrgyz people in Russia cheat, rob and "throw" their compatriots - state migrants

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Civil Society will take care of migrants in Russia

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Legal advice to Kyrgyz labor migrants to be provided on the "Hot Line"

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Fiscals thinking about controlling remittances to Kyrgyzstan

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From 400 to 650 thousand citizens of KR are working outside of Kyrgyzstan in different seasons

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Most Kyrgyz labor migrants - immigrants from southern regions

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Mostly people from Chui oblast and Bishkek left abroad in 2013

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In average 14 people claim for one workplace in Kyrgyzstan

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Number of women searching for husbands staying and working in RF is growing in Osh

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Public fund "Ulybka" is telling Osh students on the risks of illegal migration

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Tajik director Barzu Abdurazzokov before flying to Bishkek said that it is forced labor migration

In Russian: here.  


Kyrgyz migrants made a film about their life in South Korea

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Representatives of the Ministry of Labor of KR and IOM discussed launching a Phase II of regional program on migration

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Migrant quota and citizenship in Kyrgyzstan

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Kyrgyz diplomatic services in Russia and Kazakhstan expect increasing migrants appeals in 2014

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MFA of Kyrgyzstan offers migrant workers in Russia free consulate

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Bishkek Department of Labor implements 8 projects on employment of unemployed

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MFA introduced conditions of hiring a nanny in Germany for  Kyrgyz women

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Migrant’s complaints on Embassy in Russia passed to Deputies

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Ombudsman of the KR should pay attention to the issue of migrant workers in Russia and Kazakhstan

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Kyrgyzstan does not have access to the database of the Border Service of the citizens who are denied entry to Russia

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Kamila Talieva commissioned a legal literacy campaign for ethnic Kyrgyz returnees

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Novosibirsk region of RF is popular among Kyrgyz migrants

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More than 10 Kyrgyzstan citizens to impose in fine daily in Almaty markets

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94 migrants in Osh in the "black list" of the FMS of Russia

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Due to tenge devaluation migrant workers to return to Kyrgyzstan

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Tajikistan's parliament ratified an amendment to an agreement with

Russia on migration

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Tajik women in Irkutsk intend to discuss the labour migrants rights 

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Head of the Federal Migration Service in Tajikistan commented on changes in migration legislation

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There is a data base in MS on citizens whose entry is prohibited in Russia

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Migration Service of Tajikistan to warn Afghanistan citizens 

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91Â鶹ÌìÃÀ 63 thousand citizens left Tajikistan in the first month of the year

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Marriott hotel chain invites citizens of RT for employment 

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Lipetsk metallurgical plant reportedly offers jobs to Tajik specialists

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Uzbekistan citizens from July 1 can travel abroad only by biometric


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Uzbekistan - the leader in remittances from Russia

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  UN urged Russia not to violate the rights of children of migrant workers

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Migrants would be obliged to report intention to work in Russia

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State Duma approves bill on health insurance for migrant workers

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FMS offers "selling" Russian citizenship for 10 million rubles.

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United Russia is preparing amnesty for migrants

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Purchase offer of health insurance for foreign nationals at the post-office

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Migrant workers brought out almost $ 17 billion from Russia

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FMS counted in Russia 10.5 million foreigners

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Sport migration

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Center for illegal migrants to open in April

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New restrictions for migrants to discuss in the Russian State Duma

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Bill on differentiated responsibilities for migrants introduced in the State Duma

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IOC to help migrants worked in Sochi regain salary

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Kyrgyz migrant’s rights of movement, access to education and health

violated in Russia and Kazakhstan

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International News


  EU residents found themselves in the situation of migrants

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IOC defends migrant workers worked in Sochi

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Canada tightens rules for obtaining citizenship

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Swiss to limit the number of migrants

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UN considers that the impact of youth migration ambiguous

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Salary of migrant workers in China increased by 13.9 percent

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  Secretaries start deciding the fate of the migration?

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Whether Customs Union to solve the issue of labor migration fromKyrgyzstan? 

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Attitude towards migrant workers from Central Asia, as to second-class citizens - the destruction of historical memory - E.Hanymamedov

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Learning from neighbors. Guests should know the language and culture of the hosts

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Ukrainians are fleeing from the crisis to Central Asia

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Uzbekistan: want to leave the country - get a new passport

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Native authorities once again decided to make money on Tajik migrants? - Z.Ergasheva

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Without insurance are not waiting for guests

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Scores or quotas?

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Large Patrol: Migrant workers in the Russian economy: the pros and cons

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Income of migrant workers hit record

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Migrants’ children

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Labor migration in Kyrgyzstan is growing

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Employment and creating new jobs in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Kyrgyz migrants go to Russia, and their places are taken by the Chinese

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How dangerous skilled migrants?

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Illegals in the law

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Children of migrant workers. Peculiar generation

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Migration processes in light of the recent summit of the CSTO

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Guest workers in Russia want to limit housing. Mortgage for CIS citizens dissatisfied MPs

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Labor patent for migrant workers

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“Guest worker” migrant workers find this word offensive

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Kazakhstan is a transit country for migration flows

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Struggle begins with "Chinatown"

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Whether Russia to hold a referendum on the uncontrolled migration?

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Illegals in the law. Russian "Partiya Vlasti" offers amnesty to millions of migrants

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Power category - labor migrants from Central Asia - not "guest workers"?

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Without the support of the fatherland: A reply from Tajik Embassy in Russia

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Housing to limit for migrant workers

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New window opened in Russia for migrants. The country is experiencing a surge of CA compatriots resettlement - E.Trifonova

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Tajik migrants money became an obstacle to obtaining grants - G.Faskhutdinov

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OECD Continuous Reporting System on Migration, International

Migration Report 2013, the Russian Federation

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New 71st issue of the newspaper "Voice of Tajiks", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho"

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Internal migration of youth in Kazakhstan: the case of Almaty

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Gender aspects of the labor market in Tajikistan

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World Migration report 2013

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The transition from the informal to the formal economy

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Resettlement society. Asiatic Russia: Migration, space, communities.

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News on Labor migration, January 2014

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New issue of “Your right. Migration” â„– 4, February 2014

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Reminder: 8 major innovations in migration legislation of the Russian

Federation in 2013-2014

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Conf/CfP - Women, Leadership, and Society, June 10th, 2014, Yerevan State University

In English: .


First Annual International Conference on "Migration in the Globalized World"

In English: .


Russian expert and a prominent scientist on migration Zhanna Zayonchkovskaya visits Kyrgyzstan

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"Hotline" for migrant workers from the Association "Doctors of the World"

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"Migration Processes: Trends, Challenges and Prospects"

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Round table on the integration of migrants

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Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327

Email: tspc@auca.kg

Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060



American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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