
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - GenEd Faculty & Staff

GenEd Faculty & Staff

Ekaterina Galimova, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Non-departmental General Education Faculty

Division of Arts, Humanities and Communication


Email: [javascript protected email address]

Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 484

Room: 415


Dr. Ekaterina Galimova is an Associate Professor of the non-degree General Education program at the American University of Central Asia. She holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences from the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences (2008, Kyrgyzstan), having defended the dissertation devoted to Civic Education at the Lessons of Foreign Languages. She also holds a specialized degree in Teaching Methods of English as a Foreign Language, Linguistics, and English Literature from Kusein Karasaev Bishkek Humanities University (2000, Kyrgyzstan).

Dr. Galimova joined AUCA in 2012 and has taught courses in English for Academic Purposes, TOEFL Test Preparation, and English Grammar. Currently, she teaches the First-Year and Second-Year Seminars. She is a recipient of several Faculty Development Fellowships and OSUN grants, such as the Bridging Classroom and Community Grant (2023-2024) and the CLASP Fellowship Program Grant (2021-2023) that have inspired her to specialize in teaching Civic Education and Modern Classroom Technology. The AMICAL grants helped her to attend both international and local conferences held at the American University of Kuwait (2020), the American University of Cairo (2019), and the American University of Central Asia (2018), where she was able to share her experience and acquire more knowledge regarding new pedagogical tools for online and offline teaching, learning, and evaluation. She has 25 publications in USA, Kyrgyz, Russian, and Kazakh journals on pedagogy and humanities. The most recent ones have been published on the OSUN website and are devoted to the Inter-University Virtual Discussions. She runs productive and practical workshops and seminars at the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology at the AUCA.

Dr. Galimova implements the Community Engagement component within the framework of which students have an opportunity to lead English, Chess, Dance, and Math clubs at Bishkek orphanages and annual Virtual Inter-University Discussions conducted along with colleagues from the Parami University and the American University of Nigeria, help students master their leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

  • Certificate of Achievement for Innovative Assignment Design for the Connected Learning Environment
  • Recipient of the Bridging Classroom and Community Grant to implement Civic Engagement activities
  • Certificate of Achievement for active participation and outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning process at the AUCA
  • Letter of Appreciation for her contribution to the teaching process at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Civic Education, Civic Participation, Civic Society
  • Digital Technologies in teaching English, English Composition, and Liberal Arts courses
  • International Social and Educational Development

23 publications include five textbooks and 19 articles for 2003-2021


  • Galimova, E. (2011). Guide to Public Achievement. Bishkek: Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). A Conversation about Constitutions. Bishkek: Kyrgyz Jer.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). Economy of the European Union. Bishkek: Kyrgyz Jer.
  • Galimova, E. (2003). Holidays in the United States. Bishkek: Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina.
  • Galimova, E. (2003). Only in America.. Bishkek: Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina.


  • Galimova, E., Akpan, E., Sasaki, M. (2024) “Improving Communication Skills via Virtual Discussion”, The CLASP Journal: Studies in Student-Centered Teaching and Learning around the Globe 1 (1),
  • Galimova, E. (2021). "The International Virtual Discussion", IWT CLASP. BardCollege. USA,
  • Galimova, E. (2019). "Vneuhebnaya deyatel'nost' studentov v Amerikanskom Universitete Central'noj Azii” [Extracurricular Activities at the American University of Central Asia]. Glazov: 10-ye Yesipovskie Tchteniya, Glazovsky Gosudarstvenny Pedagogitchesky Institut Imeni V.G. Korolenko, Russia, 43-47.
  • Galimova, E. (2011). "Project Work at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University". Kyrgyzdipservice, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, 62-68.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Formirovaniye mezhkul'tunoy kommunikativnoy kompetentsii studentov" [Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence of Students]. Bilim, - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 136-140.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Problemy vsestoronnego razvitiya lichnosti" [Problems of the comprehensive development of personality]. Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 128-133.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "K voprosu o nepreryvnoy pedagogicheskoy praktike studentov" [On the issue of continuous pedagogical practice of students]. Bilim, Izvestiya KAO. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3(11), 60-63.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Kul'tura obshcheniya kak osnova pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti" [Communication Culture as the Basis of Pedagogical Activity]. Russkiy Yazyk i Literatura v shkolakh Kyrgyzstana - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 4(283), 58-61.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Znacheniye grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v Kyrgyzstane" [The importance of Civic Education in Kyrgyzstan]. Bilim, Izvestiya KAO. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 1, 85-88.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Sravnitel'nyy analiz grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v Kyrgyzstane i SSHA" [Comparative analysis of civic education in Kyrgyzstan and the USA]. Manas University // Coomduk Ilmder, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 15, 231-234.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Sravnitel'nyy analiz sistem grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v ryade demokraticheskikh stran" [A comparative analysis of civic education systems in a number of democratic countries]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet imeni Zh. Balasagyna. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 106-111.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Aktivnyye metody prepodavaniya grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya na urokakh gumanitarnogo tsikla" [Active methods of teaching civic education at the Liberal Arts lessons]. Vestnik KazNU. Seriya Pedagogicheskiye Nauki. - Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 2 (15), 118–128.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "V vospitanii stremit'sya k obshchechelovecheskomu" [To Strive for Humanity in Education]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. - Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet limeni. Zh. Balasagyna, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2, 57-61.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Grazhdanskaya zrelost" [Civil Maturity]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki, Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet Imeni. Zh. Balasagyna, - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 1(15), 165–169.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Formirovaniye grazhdanskoy aktivnosti studencheskoy molodozhi" [The formation of student civic activity]. Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 199–204.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Tsennostnyye oriyentatsii studencheskoy molodozhi" [Value orientations of student youth] Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 159-162.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Zachem i kak vospityvat'? (O grazhdanskom obrazovanii studentov) [To Educate. Why and how? (Civic Education of Students)]. Sotsial'nyye i Gumanitarnyye Nauki. - Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet Imeni. Zh. Balasagyna – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2, 201–206.
  • Galimova, E. (2004). "Linguistic politeness in different cultures: Ways of presenting cross-cultural politeness in English classes (Sociolinguistic aspect in teaching English as a Foreign Language). Modern methods of teaching: Kontseptsii Razvitiya Yazykovoy Situatsii v Kyrgyzstane Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno- Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 171-181.
  • Galimova, E. (2004). "Teaching vocabulary: Ways to help students understand what words mean." Modern methods of teaching: Kontseptsii Razvitiya Yazykovoy Situatsii v Kyrgyzstane Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno-Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 142-149.
  • Galimova, E. (2003). "Mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiya kak osnova obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v vuze Sovremennyye metody obucheniya" [Intercultural Communication as a Basis of Foreign Language Teaching at Higher Education Institutions. (Modern methods of teaching) Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno- Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 68-79.


  • Galimova, E., Akpan, E., Sasaki, M. (2024) “Improving Communication Skills via Virtual Discussion”, The CLASP Journal: Studies in Student-Centered Teaching and Learning around the Globe 1 (1)
  • Galimova, E. (2021). "The International Virtual Discussion", IWT CLASP. BardCollege. USA,
  • Galimova, E. (2019). "Vneuhebnaya deyatel'nost' studentov v Amerikanskom Universitete Central'noj Azii” [Extracurricular Activities at the American University of Central Asia]. Glazov: 10-ye Yesipovskie Tchteniya, Glazovsky Gosudarstvenny Pedagogitchesky Institut Imeni V.G. Korolenko, Russia, 43-47.
  • Galimova, E. (2011). "Project Work at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University". Kyrgyzdipservice, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, 62-68.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Formirovaniye mezhkul'tunoy kommunikativnoy kompetentsii studentov" [Formation of Intercultural Communicative Competence of Students]. Bilim, - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 136-140.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Problemy vsestoronnego razvitiya lichnosti" [Problems of the comprehensive development of personality]. Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 128-133.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "K voprosu o nepreryvnoy pedagogicheskoy praktike studentov" [On the issue of continuous pedagogical practice of students]. Bilim, Izvestiya KAO. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3(11), 60-63.
  • Galimova, E. (2009). "Kul'tura obshcheniya kak osnova pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti" [Communication Culture as the Basis of Pedagogical Activity]. Russkiy Yazyk i Literatura v shkolakh Kyrgyzstana - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 4(283), 58-61.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Znacheniye grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v Kyrgyzstane" [The importance of Civic Education in Kyrgyzstan]. Bilim, Izvestiya KAO. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 1, 85-88.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Sravnitel'nyy analiz grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v Kyrgyzstane i SSHA" [Comparative analysis of civic education in Kyrgyzstan and the USA]. Manas University // Coomduk Ilmder, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 15, 231-234.
  • Galimova, E. (2006). "Sravnitel'nyy analiz sistem grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya v ryade demokraticheskikh stran" [A comparative analysis of civic education systems in a number of democratic countries]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet imeni Zh. Balasagyna. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 106-111.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Aktivnyye metody prepodavaniya grazhdanskogo obrazovaniya na urokakh gumanitarnogo tsikla" [Active methods of teaching civic education at the Liberal Arts lessons]. Vestnik KazNU. Seriya Pedagogicheskiye Nauki. - Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 2 (15), 118–128.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "V vospitanii stremit'sya k obshchechelovecheskomu" [To Strive for Humanity in Education]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki. - Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet limeni. Zh. Balasagyna, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2, 57-61.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Grazhdanskaya zrelost" [Civil Maturity]. Sotsial'nyye i gumanitarnyye nauki, Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet Imeni. Zh. Balasagyna, - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 1(15), 165–169.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Formirovaniye grazhdanskoy aktivnosti studencheskoy molodozhi" [The formation of student civic activity]. Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 199–204.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Tsennostnyye oriyentatsii studencheskoy molodozhi" [Value orientations of student youth] Izvestiya Vuzov. - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3, 159-162.
  • Galimova, E. (2005). "Zachem i kak vospityvat'? (O grazhdanskom obrazovanii studentov) [To Educate. Why and how? (Civic Education of Students)]. Sotsial'nyye i Gumanitarnyye Nauki. - Kyrgyzskiy Natsional'nyy Universitet Imeni. Zh. Balasagyna – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2, 201–206.
  • Galimova, E. (2004). "Linguistic politeness in different cultures: Ways of presenting cross-cultural politeness in English classes (Sociolinguistic aspect in teaching English as a Foreign Language). Modern methods of teaching: Kontseptsii Razvitiya Yazykovoy Situatsii v Kyrgyzstane Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno- Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 171-181.
  • Galimova, E. (2004). "Teaching vocabulary: Ways to help students understand what words mean." Modern methods of teaching: Kontseptsii Razvitiya Yazykovoy Situatsii v Kyrgyzstane Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno-Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 142-149.
  • Galimova, E. (2003). "Mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiya kak osnova obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v vuze Sovremennyye metody obucheniya" [Intercultural Communication as a Basis of Foreign Language Teaching at Higher Education Institutions. (Modern methods of teaching) Materialy Mezhvuzovskoy Nauchno- Prakticheskoy Konferentsii. Kyrgyzsko-Rossiyskiy Slavyanskiy universitet Imeni B.N. Yeltsina - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 68-79.
  • Challenges of the 21st Century (HUM/SS)
  • English Composition for Liberal Arts (I, II)
  • First-Year and Second-Year Seminars: English Language for Liberal Arts (I, II)
  • First and Second-Year Seminars: Philosophy (I, II)

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028