SummerPracticum Program
Development and Social Change: Contemporary Issues in Central Asia
The four-week summer practicum program in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, offers intellectually adventurous students the opportunity to explore a fascinating country at the crossroads of powerful historical, political, economic, and cultural forces. The program combines unique practicum experiences with an overarching seminar-style course and cultural excursions. Bard College is pleased to offer this opportunity in partnership with the American University of Central Asia (AUCA).
The practicum will have three interlinked components:
Students who have not studied Russian will be offered a survival Russian course at the beginning of the program. Optional Russian, Kyrgyz, or other regional language study is available for an additional fee.
Students live in the AUCA dormitory with Kyrgyz and other international students or off campus with host families. Both options allow students to discover and participate in the daily routines of peers and local residents.
The 4-week program is offered from June 6 through July 7, 2018.
Fees vary from year to year and are subject to change at the discretion of the program.
Bard College has limited scholarships available for students demonstrating financial need. Instructions for the financial aid application are available within the primary program application.
The Bard-AUCA Summer Practicum Program application is dueMarch 1st. The application is available online.
Please, be informed that Bard College is the only intermediatory in the USA that provides exchange program to the American University of Central Asia. If you want to apply a for summer school in AUCA, please, contact Bard Abroad