
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Courses

TALENT Program Courses

1. Theories and Practice of Human Potential Development

Course Description:

This course will explore the studies of human potential and its actualization in practicalsettings of organizations. Human potential is the phenomenon that is increasingly seen as one of the main drivingforces of the present and future success of individuals and organizations. The concept of human potential associates itsdevelopment with personal well-being, quality of life and psychological health. Since the study of human potentialis rooted to existential-humanistic psychology, much attention in this course will be paid to theories of motivation,
concepts of actualizing tendency and self-determination.

The course will consist of three components. The first onewill explore the history of the study of human potential and personal growth. The second component will focus oncontemporary theories and research in human potential management. The third block will include best practices inhuman potential development within organizational settings.

2. Strategic aspects of Human Potential Development

Course Description:

This course is aimed to introduce students with practices of human potential development inmodern private and public organizations and to explain how they gain sustainable competitive
advantage through their employees. It will look at the creation of strategies to recruit talent andsystems of personal and professional development to grow the organization. The course takes aninteractive format, with discussions and group work as important components. Students willengage in various activities intended to illustrate and practice the skills involved in implementinghuman resource and talent management systems.

3. Cross-cultural and comparative research inHuman Potential Development

Course Description:

This course is aimed to introduce students with international developments and the comparativedifference is the management of human resources and trends in international context along with
the cross-cultural issues in comparative human potential development. It focuses on the mostrecent cross-cultural and comparative research related to human potential development and HRMstrategies adopted by International, Transnational and Multinational companies managing theinterface between diversity and control in changing the global environment.

4. Labour Law

Course Description:

This is an introductory compulsory course meant for master students of Human Resources program.An objective of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of the Labour Lawconcepts, principles, theoretical underpinnings and legislation. The course is to be focused on theissues that include Hiring and Termination, Working time, Compensations and benefits, Employeesafety and health, Employee privacy, etc. The course also aims to teach skills that are necessary toapply Labour Law norms correctly and to find solutions for various legal problems and situations.

5. Employment Relations

Course Description:

This course is meant for master students of Human Resources program. The course will be focusingon the issues that are come up during formation of labor relations. The course is not only focused onthe laws and regulations but also how to apply those and which would be applied best to any givensituation considering different perspectives of labour relations.
The main subjects of the course include employee relations main concepts, the impact on internaland external forces on employee relations, collective bargaining and trade unions, CSR,
discrimination, equality and diversity, work and ethics, employee voice, employee participation andemployee involvement, managing conflict, international standards and best practices, modernworkspace. This course is specifically focuses on provision of knowledge and enhancing skills in working with employment relations that are necessary for HR specialist.

6. Talent Management

Course Description:

This course will explore theoretical issues and practical challenges in talentidentification, talent development and talent management. Since McKinsey’s the War for Talent (1990)
the concept of talent management is widespread in corporate world and organizational/industrialpsychology. It is increasingly seen as a critical asset of the success of organization. The course will focuson complex problems of recruitment, retaining and producing talented employees with high qualifiedhuman potential in different types of organizations. Debates around intellectual boundaries of talentmanagement concept will be emphasized.

7. Work, Organization and Society

Course Description:

This course is designed to expose students to the analysis of major theoretical and empiricaldevelopments in the studies of work and organizations. It aims in an understanding macro, meso, andmicro factors shaping work and organizations, and, at the same time, it examines how work andorganizations structure our social life.
The course is interdisciplinary in its nature and covers wide range of relevant economics, political,anthropological, social-psychological and sociological perspectives for studying work and organizations.

8. Individual, Groups and Organization

Course Description:

The course focuses on analyzing the behavior of individuals within an organisation, enabling leadersto perform effective team management within international context. The module stimulatesdevelopment of decision-making abilities with relation to conflict management for future managers.
The content is interdisciplinary and engages various fields of social sciences: from sociology,psychology, political science and anthropology. The module builds on the understanding of the issuesarising in team management and interpersonal relationships. Skills developed within the disciplineenables improvement of effective staff coordination, development of transformational leadership skillsand handling of conflict management.
During the module, the students are to be formed in groups within which they have to interpret the organizational problem in terms of leadership, individual, interpersonal and group processes.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
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