
American University of Central Asia - AUCA - PUBLICATIONS


Final Report TSPC AUCA, 2017 - 2018

Monitoring of implementation of the labor migrants’ rights from Kyrgyzstan

in Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan

in accordance with the terms of accession

of the Kyrgyz Republic to the EAEU Protocol


Final Report TSPC AUCA, 2017

Problems of regulation of internal migration
in the Kyrgyz Republic: the role of state agencies and
of local self-government agencies in this process


Final Report TSPC AUCA, December 2016

Analysis of the Labor Market Situation in the Russian Federation

for Purposes of Efficient Employment of Migrant Workers

from the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan


Contains an analytical study of media products

for Kyrgyz migrants in Russia

commissioned by TSPC, AUCA, 2016

Media and Information Space of

a Kyrgyz Migrant Worker in Russia:

Experience in Issue Formulation


Evaluation report, 2015

Outcome Harvesting of the Programme

"Central Asia on the Move"


Final study TSPC AUCA, 2014 – 2016

Violence against children: public awareness and attitudes

project "Stop the Violence Against Children"

of the Public Foundation "Center for the Protection of Children"


UnifiedReporton Migration in the Kyrgyz Republic


Respect and Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Kyrgyz Republic

- Analysis to support the compliance of national legislation with

constitutional and international human rights obligations

Download the Analysis

Program to Enhance the Capacity of NGOs and Institutions

to Advocate for Implementation of Human Rights Decisions

and Standards to Prevent Torture for Kyrgyzstan

- Final Report on Modern Practices

Download the Final Report

Analysis of the NCO Development Enabling Environment

Read theresults of the survey and focus-group discussionsin

Simplifyingthe propiska: Realising the benefits of Internal migration

Read the Policy Paper in

Best Practices in Protecting Labor Migrants’ Rights and Perspectives of their Application in Kyrgyzstan
Report and recommendations

Read the Report in

Best practices in assisting labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia

Read the Policy Paper in

International experience on protecting of labor

migrants' rightsand its application to Kyrgyzstan

Read the Policy Paper in

Stakeholder meeting on the Issues in Question

in the Sphere of Labor Migration

Roundtable report

International Experience on Protection of Labor Migrants’ Rights

and Its Applicationto Kyrgyzstan

Roundtable report

Stakeholder Dialogue: Seminar on Establishing National

Public Council on Migration


Protecting Rights of Kyrgyz Labor Migrants: identifying Key Challenges

Research Workshop Report

Protecting the Rights of Kyrgyz Migrants: Utilizing policy analysis,

public outreach,andstakeholder dialogue to mobilize action

toward reform.

Read the Briefing documet

CSOs Evolving in Kyrgyzstan,article by Rodger Dillon

Read the article .

The Jogorku Kenesh and Citizens’ Access:

Parliament’s Website and RelatedIssues

To read the Policy Note, click.

Contemporary International Law, Materials and Cases

about the book.

Download Contemporary International Law, Materials and Cases

Compendium on Recommendations for the Kyrgyz Republic from United Nations Human Rights Council, Treaty Bodies, and Special Procedures

about the Compendium.

Downloadthe full Compendium

USAID 2011 CSO Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia

about the Index.

the Index.

USAID 2010 NGO Sustainability Index for for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia

the Index.

Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327

Email: tspc@auca.kg

Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060



American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028