
Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Чолпонбек Ормуков

Чолпонбек Ормуков

E-mail Address: cholponbek76@yahoo.com



Doctoral Thesis (PhD degree) Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology National Academy of Science


Undergraduate studies at the Geography department of the Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek.

Membership in Professional Associations:

Countries of Work Experience

Kyrgyz Republic


Level of Proficiency [Mother tongue, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor]

















Professional Experience

2019 – 2020

Lecturer, assistant professor at the “Ecology and management” department at Bishkek State University K. Karasaeva

2013 – 2019

Senior researcher and deputy of department chair, at department Geodynamics and Georisk, Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)


Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology National Academy of Science


Lecturer part-time at Kyrgyz National University. Teaching of “Fundamental Geology” and “General Geomorphology” courses to undergraduate and graduate students.


  1. Remote sensing and ArcGIS (Spatial analysis tool)

The ArcGIS I used mostly in integrated field - and remote-based geomorphic and geologic mapping of active faults and landscape evolution using ASTER GDEM 30m, SRTM 30m and ALOS DEM. For some research also used Bing images.

  1. Surveying (profiling and mapping using of differential GPS)

Active tectonic structures were profiled using of different ages of terrace surfaces, in order to determine the spatio-temporal change kinematics of deformation and the ratio of core structure to surface slope.

  1. Sampling – Actively participated in with my colleagues, in sampling for Radiocarbon, OSL and cosmogenic 10Be dating. Some lake and river terrace’s ages correlated with ages of moraine deposits.
  2. Trenching - I have experience in trench research in the description of paleoseismological events in thrust active faults that deformed the Pleistocene-Holocene funs.

Research activity


Project titles and collaborative organizations


Local consultant in collaborative research project with University of Fribourg (Switzerland) “Convergence of the Pamir orogenic front the North and south-vergent Tien-Shan front Alay basin (southern Kyrgyzstan).

Purpose: Structural geological mapping of Pamir – Tien-Shan convergence zone

Outcome: data processing.

Project sponsored: by University of Fribourg, Switzerland.


“Geodynamic activity of Northern Pamir and Alay basin”.

Purpose: Geology and Geodetically assessment of shortening rate along active structures.

Outcomes: The parameters of horizontal displacements primarily have been mapped in some segments of strike slip fault.


“Measuring of seismic risk in Kyrgyz Republic”.

Managing the local team activities and ensured communication with stakeholders.

Purpose: To develop of new seismic risk information in Kyrgyz Republic.

Outcomes: 1. Development of new information on the risks from seismic in Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Training of national agencies in the communication, use and application of seismic risk information and improving their understanding of how risk information can be improved through time.

Consortium: ARUP, GFZ, CAIAG and GEM.

Project sponsored: by World Bank (WB).

2014 - 2015

Geomorphology research in project “Integrated assessment of flooding risks in Kara Unkur river basin”

Purpose: Inventory and analysis of flooding risk area.

Outcomes: Short-term and long-term changes in the coastal processes of the Kara Unkur River and their impact on land use are estimated.

Project supported: by UNDP

2013- 2015

Research of geological aspects of landslide prone areas in project “Inventory of landslides in the Southern part of Kyrgyz Republic”.

Purpose: Updating landslide data base.

Outcomes: The landslide inventory has been complied for southern part of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Project supported: by Ministry of Emergency Situation of Kyrgyz Republic.


Local team leader of international project - Framework to integrate Space-based and in-situ sENSing for dynamic vUlnerability and recovery Monitoring

(SENSUM) sponsored by EU.

Purpose: The core objective of the SENSUM project is to develop methods and tools to tackle rapidly varying vulnerability and risk within a common framework, by integrating the most effective remote sensing technologies with in-situ surveys and data collection activities.

Outcomes: A landslide inventory and trial models of vulnerabilities of natural hazards have been complied for test observation sites.

Collaborator: Consortium from 8 team.

Project supported: by European Union.


Collaborative research projects with University of California at Santa Barbara. “Assessment of slip rates and sequencing deformation style on example of active folding structures in Northern and Central Tien-Shan”.

Purpose: To determine the sequence of deformation of tectonic structures in Naryn river basin.

Outcomes: The age of the deformed terraces ranges from 1-250 thousand years. Based on geodetic studies of dated terraces, local rates of relative rock elevation range from 0.3 to 3.5 mm / year.

Project sponsored: by NSF.


Collaborative research project with University of California at Davis “Geological assessment of seismic hazards of Boom transport corridor and Kungey range in Kyrgyz Republic.

Purpose: Assessment of active faults features in Northern Tien-Shan”.

Outcomes: Determined shortening rates and styles of deformations of active faults near Kungey and Zaliliskey ranges, northern Tian Shan.

Project sponsored: by Civilian Research Development Foundation (SRDF) USA.


Field assistant in collaborative research with Nagoya University, Japan “Last Glacial in the Northern Tien-Shan”.

Purpose: Analysis of climate change and glacier chronology intra continental mountains.

Outcomes: Restored late Pleistocene paleogeographical history of two glacial stages in Teskey range. According to the OSL age of moraines, the last maximum glacier expansion In Teskey mountains occurred at about 76 ka.

Project sponsored by University of Nagoya, Japan.


Field assistant of in international project with University of Oregon “Summer geological field school in Kyrgyz Republic”.

Purpose: Mapping, profiling and sampling of geological structures in order to identify the features of the development of tectonic structures.

Outcomes: Determined the local (east and west) features of the tectonic motions of active faults in Issyk-Kul depression. Restored the history of the fluctuation of Lake Issyk-Kul and formation of lake and river terraces in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene time.

Project sponsored: by NSF, USA.

Fellowships and Visiting research


Visiting researcher Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Oslo, Norway.


Fulbright Fellowship, exchange visiting program, UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis, USA.


Visiting researcher at Korea University, Seoul.


CRDF junior scientist Fellowship program, UNC at Chapel Hill, USA.


NSF exchange student research scholarship at UO (Oregon, Eugene) USA.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

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