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Project objectives: Assistance in obtaining the registration in place of residence and Russian citizenship to the migrants living in the territory of Krasnodar Region, who cannot do this themselves; Assistance in the protection of rights of migrants, living in Krasnodar Region, and foreign workers; Upgrade the competence of representatives of public authorities, local government, police ( militia) and migrants in the prevention of conflicts at the local level, and cooperation with representatives of different diasporas; Upgrade the knowledge of local communities in questions of traditions and cultures of diasporas, represented in Krasnodar Region; Improve the dialogue between the representatives of the state authorities and local self-government and diasporas; Provide the population of the region with objective information on the ethnic minorities and migrants situation in Krasnodar Region. The current project is a continuation of the SRRC project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar Region(Legal support on solving problems of registration and citizenship for migrants of Krasnodar region) 2006-2009//Grant # 06-86508-000-GSS. The project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar Region (grant #08-92436-000-GSS) provides the work of law officers for legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar, Sochi and Armavir. In Krasnodar, work on the project was continued by the same employees, who worked in 2006-2009.The lawyers, who consult migrants in Sochi and Armavir, are professional advocates and have experience in this sphere. In Sochi and Armavir in accordance with the project plan the lawyers were working during January August 2011, then their work was ceased and correspondent project offices were closed. Legal counseling and assistance to migrants long living in Krasnodar Region and foreign employees, control of their problem solving in the bodies of The Federal Migration Service (FMS) and the courts Krasnodar: During the reported period January 1st, 2011 December 31st, 2011 the SRRC lawyers and the director of the project consulted 103 people on legal status issues. Counseling was given during personal visits to Krasnodar and meetings in other cities of Krasnodar region (Armavir, Novorossiysk, Sochi and places of forced imprisonment). It is necessary to note that the SRRC was carrying out close cooperation with the Federal Migration Service Department in Krasnodar region (FMS) during the recent year. As a result, the FMS officers from different parts of Krasnodar region were redirecting to the SRRC destitute people with the hardest problems on legal status defining. Therefore, the SRRC lawyers in Krasnodar are trying the most difficult cases which demand a lot of time. The SRRC lawyers consulted during personal visits in the Krasnodar office 46 people on issues of acquiring of Russian citizenship. Eight of destitute people came from the Republic of Tajikistan, 6 people the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2 people the Republic of Armenia, 3 people from the Ukraine, 3 people from Azerbaidjan, also from other countries, i.e. 1 person from Moldova, 7 people from Georgia, 6 people from China, 2 people from Kazakhstan, etc. One part of them has the following documents proving identity: national passports of other countries, birth certificates. There are people who have no documents proving identity. Their passports of citizens of the Russian Federation were recognized as invalid and therefore were withdrawn. These citizens were interested in possibility of acquiring of Russian citizenship. Some people have national passports of other countries with expired validity. The SRRC lawyers had to study foreign legislative acts (acquiring of citizenship, passport system) and call to foreign embassies to get clarifications to help such people. There are people who have lost documents proving identity. Under the project the Ukraine citizen M. Kravchenko was judicially defended. She and her brother applied to the juridical office of the SRRC asking for cooperation in exercise of the right for the free treatment of personals, brought in the territory of Russia. Pensioners were shocked to learn from the Krasnodar customs that they had to pay almost 200 thousands of RUR for their used personals. It proved that M. Kravchenko, a lonely pensioner, left Zaporozhe, the republic of Ukraine, in July 2011 for Krasnodar for permanent residence with her brother V. Kravchenko. September, 1, 2011, she got temporary residence permit and was registered according to the place of residence in Krasnodar. Within her removal to permanent residence in Russia, she formalized the import of her personals in Russia. July, 14, 2011, the Krasnodar customs denied appliance of reduced customs payment. Their denial was based on clarifications of the customs, which are not a legislative act. Whereby the decision of the authorized body is illegal. The SRRC lawyers explained to the citizen the right of appeal through the courts against the illegal denial and offered help in free defence. Despite the customs illegal decision the district court and the cassation court denied Kravchenko meeting her requirements. It is necessary to note that courts of law are not always ready to restore violated rights of foreign citizens even when Russian legislation is actually violated. Currently the SRRC lawyers have decided to apply to the Constitutional court of Russia to restore the violated right of the Ukraine citizen. The positive decision of the Constitutional court gives right to consideration of the case as new conditions may demand. It means that the case will be reconsidered in district court taking into account the Constitutional court clarifications. 9 foreign citizens (labor migrants) addressed to us on issues of work permission and license acquiring. Besides verbal consultations, the SRRC lawyers were giving written consultations and addressed with requests to various governmental institutions. Sometimes people who addressed us were consulted not only on issues of citizenship acquiring, but also on problems of civil, family and pension law. Labor migrants had questions referring to healthcare. February, 18, 2011, the SRRC staff visited a special institution for keeping foreign citizens and people without citizenship, who faced administrative punishment per curiam and were to be deported from the Russian Federation. That day there were 23 people: 6 people were from the Chinese Peoples Republic, 5 people were from Uzbekistan, also 2 people from Georgia, 1 person from Ukraine, 1 person from Tajikistan, 2 from Kazakhstan, 1 from Turkmenistan, 2 from Armenia, 2 from Azerbaijan, 2 from Moldova. These people are either foreign citizens and have national passports or have no documents proving identity, but all of them faced administrative punishment for law violation of migrational legislation. The SRRC lawyers consulted them on concerning them issues. August, 1, 2011, the SRRC staff visited the women penal colony ! 3 in Dvubratskiy village, Ust -Labinskiy district. This visit was specified by the work of the circuit juridical office concerning migration. The SRRC lawyers consulted 30 convicts (foreign citizens and stateless). Foreign prisoners were first of all interested in the way of realization of their right to serve out in their state. In practice it is very difficult to take advantage of this right. It is connected with the absence of international agreements regulating such an order between Russia and former USSR republics. Many people wanted to know following steps after their release and the legal procedure of returning their children from childrens home. The convicts were interested in getting of qualified juridical help because no one wanted to break the Russian law twice. It was clarified to prisoners that foreign citizens and stateless having committed an intentional crime on Russian territory are strictly undesired to remain in the Russian Federation. It means that after the release they have to leave Russia during three days. If they deviate from the obligation, they are to be deported by the Federal Migration Service. Some foreign convicts addressed with certain requests. For example, Petrosyan Nazani (a citizen of the republic of Armenia) asked for help in connecting her relatives. She tried to do it herself repeatedly, but there was no positive result. Another convict, Inna Avetisova, (a citizen of the republic of Azerbaijan) applied with a request of assistance in reissuance of her birth certificate. It is possible to help these citizens in solving their problems with the assistance of friendly to the SRRC public associations of countries of the former Soviet Union, and with the help of the organization the Union of Russian Armenians. During outdoor events in Sochi the project director M.V. Savva consulted 4 foreign migrants: 3 citizens of Uzbekistan and 1 citizen of Ukraine. Besides verbal consultations, the SRRC lawyers were giving written consultations and addressed with requests to various governmental institutions for legal assistance to migrants. Problems of migrants in Krasnodar region that were addressed to the SRRC are common for Armavir and Sochi too. Armavir: Our lawyer consulted 41 migrants on issues of legal status during personal visits from January till August 2011. Cases of migrants were supported at court during the year. The project office conducted active informational campaign in Armavir that was aimed to inform migrants about possibilities to receive consultations. Sochi: A lawyer consulted 82 migrants on issues of legal status during personal visits from January till August 2011. Cases of migrants were supported at court during the year. It is necessary to note that the number of addresses in Sochi increases essentially in summer owing to increasing of foreign workers number and activation of buildings construction. One of the projects achievements was acquiring of Russian passport and citizenship by Meitin G.I. in Sochi, who earlier was illegally convicted under deportation from Russia. In 2010 thanks to the SRRC lawyers actions the decision was canceled thereafter long-term work was needed to confirm his Russian citizenship. Preparation and publication of information-methodical materials for foreign laborers in Krasnodar region to inform them about human rights In 2011 the manual Guide for foreigners entering Krasnodar region was published in 500 copies according to the plan of the project. This booklet has convenient pocket-sized format. The booklet was reviewed by the FMS in Krasnodar region officers that increased its quality. The booklet is distributed among foreign laborers with assistance of their leaders and through the FMS departments. Preparation and publication of information-methodical materials about the peculiarities of Krasnodar Regiondiasporas culture The booklet The Gipsies of Krasnodar region was published in the end of 2010 in 300 copies according (the author was a professor of Kuban State University N.I. Kirei). The booklet The Uzbeks of Krasnodar region was published in 300 copies according to the project plan. It is written by the director of the Krasnodar Regional Public Organization An association of compatriots of Uzbekisstan UMID T. Numatov. Also the booklet The Georgians of Krasnodar region was published in 2011 in 300 copies according (the authors were lecturers of Kuban State University I.V. Kuznetcov, R.Sh. kuznetcova). The booklets were distributed among state authorities and local government, police, the FMS officers and different diasporas. So, the project plan of publication of information-methodical materials about ethnic minorities of Krasnodar region is entirely fulfilled. Business trips to other regions of Russia for cooperation in various categories of migrants rights protection and exchange of experience with related organizations In 2011 the director of the project made the biggest number of the trips in comparison with any other year. He had trips to Krasnodar region as well as to many other regions of Russia and abroad. Herein a part of the trips essential for the project was not financed by the Fund of John D. and Catherine T. McArthurs. Trips to Krasnodar Region: A visit to a special closed placement center for foreign citizens in Kopanskoy khutor (out of the director of the project funds). February, 18, 2011 vice chairman of Public Inspective Committee (PIC) of human rights control in places of forced custody in Krasnodar region M.V. Savva and a member of PIC E.P. Steshenko checked honoring of human rights in special closed placement center !2 for foreign citizens and stateless in Kopanskoy khutor. Chairman of Social Committee by Head Department of Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences in Krasnodar region M.A. Jurilo, lawyers of the project  Legal assistance to migrants of Krasnodar region Yu.V. Drobot and I.N. Sazonova also took part in the visit of the special closed placement center. In the special closed placement center are foreigners that are sentenced to deportation due to the fact of violation of the rules of residence in Russia. As a rule, cause of deportation is violation of deadlines of registration in Russia and the loss of documents. At the time of the check of the special closed placement center designed for 52 people there were 23 foreigners. Among them were citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Tajikistan andd Turkmenistan. During the check there were no complaints on being conditions and personnel treatment of the special closed placement center. The SRRC lawyers consulted the foreigners. Mostly they were interested in consequences of deportation; for example, whether the time while the deported cannot come back to Russia can be lessen. Some of them complained on the procedure of decision making about deportation by judges; it was made even in the absence of the accused. M.V. Savva gifted 20 copies of a Manual for a labor migrant of Krasnodar region to the special closed placement center. This booklet of a convenient pocket-sized format was prepared and published by the SRRC within the project Legal assistance to migrants of Krasnodar region with the FMS in Krasnodar region officers. Trip to Armavir (out of the McArthurs Fund) During the visit to the Armavirs office of the project on May, 24, 2011, director of the project M.V. Savva with a member of the Public Inspective Committee and director of the Armavirs office of the project V.A. Makarova inspected a social reception center for foreign citizens and stateless under the Armavir police management. In the special closed placement center designed for 50 people was keeping one person stateless Z.G. Boyadjan, who was waiting for being deported by judges decision to the republic of Georgia. After the conversation and acknowledgment with the documents it became clear that Z.G. Boyadjan was not Georgias citizen, thats why a lawyer of the Armavirs office of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region I.A. Usov was directed to the special closed placement center on May, 25, 2011, to meet with Z.G. Boyadjan and participate in his case. An address to the President of Russia and other documents were prepared. On May, 25, 2011, M.V. Savva addressed the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in the region on the fact of Boyadjans rights violation. On May, 25, 2011, M.V. Savva had a work meeting with the personnel in the Armavirs office of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region and monitoring the projects office activities. Visit to women colony in Dvubratskiy village of Ust-Labinskiy district (out of the director of the project funds) On August, 1, 2011, memers of PIC of Krasnodar region M.Savva and T. Rudakova visited women penal colony ! 3 in Dvubratskiy village of Ust -Labinskiy district. According to Russian legislation members of PIC control loyalty in places of forced custody. The achievement of the visit was work of the circuit juridical office on migration issues. In the frames of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region head of the juridical service of the SRRC Julia Drobot consulted convicts foreign citizens and stateless (more than 20 people). First of all foreign custodials were interested in the realization of their right of transfer for serving the sentence in their state. Practically it is very difficult to do. It is connected with the absence of international agreements regulating such an order between Russia and former USSR republics. Many people wanted to know following steps after their release and the legal procedure of returning their children from childrens home. The convicts were interested in getting of qualified juridical help because no one wanted to break the Russian law twice. Some foreign convicts addressed with certain requests. For example, a citizen of the republic of Armenia asked for help in connecting her relatives. She tried to do it herself repeatedly, but there was no positive result. Another convict, a citizen of the republic of Azerbaijan applied with a request of assistance in reissuance of her birth certificate. Taking into account that she was an ethnic Armenian, it was very difficult to do it without juridical assistance. The visit to the colony showed that there was no violation of the convicts rights in penal organizations, there were no complaints. Regarding the results of the visit Vladimir Bykov said: We do not have qualified specialists on migration issues, thats why we are grateful t you for your legal assistance to convicts. Trip to Sochi (out of the McArthurs Fund) Director of the project M.V. Savva and a lawyer N.I. Shahovalov consulted foreign migrants on legal status issues and Russian citizenship acquiring in Lazarevskiy village of Sochi on August, 2-3, 2011, during the business trip of director of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region. 4 citizens of Uzbekistan and 1 citizen of Ukraine applied for counsel. During the counsels a range of problems appeared. Among them were difficulties of acquiring of patents for working career by foreigners in Federal Migration service bodies (FMS) in the resort town Sochi. According to foreign laborers in Sochi FMS bodies big queues are creating, informing about the procedure of a patent for working career acquiring is poorly organized. Police officers are often checking documents of queuing foreign laborers and it is not adding to their wish of acquiring the patent and legalizing their work. At the same time poor knowledge in Russian of Uzbek and Tajik laborers makes it possible for law enforcement officers to abuse their rights. The older generation speaks Russian fluently. But young people a year or two ago graduated from school and having come to Russia for earnings cannot answer simplest questions. On August, 4, 2011 M.V. Savva monitored the activities of the Sochis office of the project Legal assistants to migrants in Krasnodar region, also he monitored informational work with clients of Lazarevskiy FMS bodies of Sochi. Information stand where essential for clients information is placed were studied on the fullness of information. By the results of the trip M.V. Savva informed about the found drawbacks of FMS bodies in Krasnodar region director I.A. Semenyakin. Trip to Novorossiysk (out of the McArthurs Fund) During the business trip of director of the project M.V. Savva to Novorossiysk on September, 5-7, 2011 there were several work meetings. During the meeting with the chairman of the local religious organization The community of Novorossiysk Muslims A.V. Nasiirov issues of collaboration in legal assistance to foreign migrants were discussed. The head of the Muslims community has many addresses from Muslim labor migrants on issues of advocacy of labor laws and juridical problems of job placement. Sometimes these people need qualified juridical assistance, and the SRRC lawyers can help them. It was agreed to collaborate; A.V. Nasiirov got information-methodical data of the SRRC to spread them among foreign laborers: Instructions for labor migrants in Krasnodar region, Guide for foreigners entering Krasnodar region. During the working meeting with legal advocates R.A. Nasiirov and A.N.Zhuzhnev details of their collaboration with the SRRC lawyers were discussed. According to R.A. Nasiirov and A.N. Zhuzhnev, mostly foreign laborers have problems with getting job permission and non-payment of salary. R.A. Nasiirov and A.N. Zhuzhnev got information-methodical materials of the SRRC to spread them among foreign laborers: Instructions for labor migrants in Krasnodar region, Guide for foreigners entering Krasnodar region. The working meeting of M.V. Savva with the vice-mayor of Novorossiysk I.A. Dyachenko was devoted to organization of collaboration in issues of legal assistance to migrants problems. City authorities take active steps if they get an information of foreign laborers labor laws violation, as it was in the end of August 2011 when 163 foreigners (citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) hired by a Turkish firm for Verkhnekabanskiy cement factory reconstruction didnt get their salary. The SRRC had learnt about this problem from the staff of Moscow office of International migrational organization, then the information was confirmed during the telephone conversation of director of the project M.V. Savva with one of the foreign laborers. As a result of the work of city authorities committee the Turkey consulship provided the return of the firm representative to Novorossiysk, he sold a part of construction equipment and paid salaries to laborers. It was agreed with the vice-mayor of Novorossiysk to direct if necessary most difficult cases of foreign migrants to the SRRC lawyers for legal support. Trips to other regions of Russia and abroad: Trip of director of the project M.V. Savva to Moscow and Yekaterinburg (April 2011, out of the McArthurs Fund): Moscow: During the visit to Moscow March, 29 April, 3, 2011 working meetings were held with some famous specialists on migration issues. Among them were a PhD in Political science, head of S.-Petersburg state university department of conflictology A.I. Strebkov, a PhD in Philosophic science, a Corresponding Fellow of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS) A.V. Dmitriev, a PhD in Philosophic science, a professor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation V.S. Komarovskiy, a PhD in Philosophic science, a director of the Institute of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Researches of the South Scientific Center of the RAS V.A. Aksentyev. These meetings encouraged increasing of quality of preparation of the SRRC publications, published in 2011 in the frames of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region. Apart from meetings with scientific experts in Moscow a meeting with a director-general of the Fund of international connections development Dobrososedstvo N.A. Alisov was held. Currently the Fund takes active part in research of migrational processes in Russia, organizes international connections with non-commercial organizations of migrants native countries. A question of holding a Russian national conference of representatives of community boards in territorial bodies of FMS in Russian regions was discussed. Such an event is necessary because the level of coordination of these society structures is law that is reflected on quality and scale of legal assistance to migrants. A meeting with an executive secretary of Public advisory board of FMS bodies in Moscow Y.V. Moskovskiy was devoted to experience and methodic of legal assistance to migrants exchange. The SRRC publications in the frames of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region were presented to the Public advisory board of FMS bodies in Moscow. Yekaterinburg: On April 4-5, 2011 M.V. Savva took part in Ural migration Forum in Yekaterinburg. Representatives of the International migration organization from Moscow, Middle Asia, of the Community board in FMS bodies of Sverdlovsk region, human rights commissioners from 5 subjects of the Russian Federation, the Center of Migration Researches, a range of Institutes of RAS, leading experts and practitioners on issues of legal assistance to migrants participated in the Forum. A place of the Forum holding was defined by high work activity in migrants attraction and using them as a development resource in Sverdlovsk region. The SRRC publications in the frames of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region were presented to participants of the Forum, an experience exchange took place. During the event a project of the Forum resolution was discussed. The resolution had certain suggestions of migration policy improvement. Some participants of the Forum took part in the opening of the Yekaterinburg filial of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Passport-visa service of the FMS, familiarized with its work plans. On April, 5, in Yekaterinburg a circuit meeting of Community board of FMS of the Russian Federation took place during the Ural Migration Forum. Chairman of the Community board, Candidate of Political Science V.A. Volokh conducted the meeting, devoted to integration of migrants. Representatives of public consultative boards of the Kurgan, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk region, and the Krasnodar region migration services took part in the event. Members of all the boards represented on the meeting told about their methods of work, achievements and problems. Vice-chairmen of Public advisory board of the Krasnodar region FMS, director of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region M.V. Savva made a report about cooperation of regional board with non-commercial organizations of the region in solving problems of integration of migrants during the meeting. Members of Community board of FMS and colleagues from other regions highly estimated cooperation of FMS bodies in Krasnodar region, Public advisory board and the SRRC in publishing educational materials for migrants, authorities and local communities. Among the pamphlets represented by M.V. Savva on the meeting were Tajiks of Krasnodar region, Uzbeks of Krasnodar region and Instructions for labor migrants in Krasnodar region. Experience of cooperation of Public advisory board of FMS of Krasnodar region and Public Inspective committee and Public board of Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Krasnodar region was admitted useful for migrants assistance. Chairman of Public board of FMS of Russia V.A. Volokh emphasized usefulness of such coordinative meetings of representatives of territorial public boards and suggested to direct made on the circuit meeting reports to sites of FMS. Trip of director of the project M.V. Savva to Moscow on April, 25-26 (out of McArthurs Fund) to participate in the International conference Role of public organizations in solving problems of compatriots and integration of migrants. The conference had practical character and was devoted to 15 anniversary of the Forum of migration organizations of Russia (leader of the Forum a famous reporter Lidia Grafova). Forum leaders, representatives of Coordination board of human rights commissioners in Russia (regional Ombudsmen), representatives of International migration organization, foreign funds and organizations, members of the Russian-German project Bridges of neighborliness, reporters and federal power officials took part in the Conference. The SRRC was represented by director of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region M.V. Savva. During the conference preparation M.V. Savva was responsible for the project of address to the Russian President asking for the necessity of migrational amnesty, and it was done. The conference was not a scientific event, but had only practical importance and became an essential part of cooperation of civil society representatives and public experts with the authorities. The leader of the Forum of migration organizations underlined that the Forum as one of the biggest Russian NGOs overcame large difficulties during the sudden stiffening of state policy in concern of non-commercial organizations, because of the spy scandals and labeling of civil society structures. But the attempts to liquidate the Forum on formal basis were in vain, and constructive cooperation of this main organization of migrants in Russia with the authorities were restored. By the beginning of the conference a special issue of a magazine Migration XXI c. came out. There was published a report of M.V. Savva Ideal patterns of foreigners deportation based on the facts, found out in practical activities of the SRRC in advocacy of rights of foreigners and stateless in Krasnodar region. These facts were found out in realization of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region. During the conference following suggestions were made: FMS is not subdued to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because belonging of the service to police defines prohibitive trend of its work; annul quoting of foreign labor force as a corrupted mechanism; stop withdrawal of passports of Russian citizens, given beforehand to migrants of the former USSR states and now counting as illegal; support FMS suggestion to cancel permitting part-time residence. M.V. Savva told about the experience of the SRRC in realization of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region. The SRRC publications such as a manual for labor migrants and a pamphlet The Uzbeks of Krasnodar region interested conference participants. The discussion resulted in agreements of cooperation with a range of presenting experts, foreigners as well (e.g. Elina Raynova, Varna, Bulgaria. During the conference a meeting of the Forum of migration organizations took place, and M.V. Savva was accepted to the executive board of the forum of migration organizations of Russia. After the conference M.V. Savva took part in documents preparation to send them to the Russian President for cooperation in solving problems of migrants in Russia. Trip to Voskresenskiy village of Moscow (out of the Russian Fund New Eurasia) On September, 12-14, 2011in Voskresenskiy village international conference Bridges of neighborliness took place, organized by the Fund New Eurasia (Russia) and the Fund AWO (Germany). The conference was devoted to solving of problems of migrants in Central Asia, East Europe and Russia. Representatives of Russia, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and many international organizations took part in the conference. M.V. Savva, director of the SRRC project legal assistance to labor migrants in Krasnoadr region, was one of the experts-members of the conference. The geography of the project participants reflects one of the most important migrational ways of the modern world from Central Asia to Europe. During the conference a wide range of issues was discussed: repatriation of Russian and Asian migrants, who came back home from Europe; migrants rights advocacy; their integration to local communities. M. Savva told about the problems of legal positioning of foreigners in Russia in custody found out during the previous months of visits to such places. Also he gave ideas of solving of the problems. So, foreigners serving sentences in Russia in fact do not have the right of parole, because there are no international agreements defining the control of ex-prisoners after their release on the territory of other countries. Apart from that, foreigners having committed intentional crimes are informed of their duty to leave Russia. At the same time many foreigners are in fact permanent Russian citizens (residents) according to passport. They have no one abroad their families and home are in our country. They have nowhere to go abroad. To solve these and numerous other problems it is necessary to activate the cooperation of civil society structures and authorities. There are already mechanisms of such cooperation, i.e. public boards of territorial subdivision of police, sentence-implementation services, migration services. But public activists are lack of expert potential for the full use of the mechanisms and overcoming bureaucrats inactivity. M.V. Savvas trip to Kishinev, the republic of Moldova (30.09.2011 3.10.2011, out of the McArthurs Fund). Several work meetings with representatives of some subdivisions of republican office of International migration organization (IMO) and non-commercial organizations took place during the trip. Issues of public control of human rights adherence of migrants in custody were discussed with the staff of migration subdivision of IMO. 4 special closed placement centers for foreigners and stateless to be deported are functioning in Krasnodar region. These centers are sometimes inspected by members of Public inspective committee. M.V. Savva is a vice-chairman of the committee. Center of temporary residence of foreign citizens reconstructed out of the IMO funds has been functioning in Moldova since 2008. Head of non-governmental organization Institute of criminal reforms I. dolya and a lawyer I. Graur took part in experience exchange with M.V. Savva on issues of legal assistance to migrants. Institute of criminal reforms is a partner of IMO in assisting migrants legally. For the last 10 years the institute took an active part in development of national legislation in correspondence with international norms. So, for human rights adherence, the Code of offence of the republic of Moldova has for the first time included guarantees for illegal migrants (e.g. police have to give a migrant an opportunity to appear before a judge in short terms. It is necessary to note that lawyers of the institute are always in the Center of temporary residence for foreign citizens to be able to assist them operatively. Specialists of IMO in free-will return and repatriation told about their work experience in integration residents of Moldova, who lived abroad for a long time and wanted to return. In this case the IMOs program with the authorities can assist repatriates in opening of their own business in Moldova. This program is financially supported by 15 European countries for which such assistance is a way of protection from extensive migration. We can be positive that this method may be useful for Russia because of the rising migration from Central Asia. An interesting experience was gained in the frames of the program Creation of conditions for attracting Moldavian graduates of foreign institutes for temporary training. This innovative program helps graduates of foreign institutes to find a job in public and private sectors of Moldova. Ex-students have organizational-technical assistance in job hunting, travelling allowance and financial support for the first 6 months of work in Moldova. The problem of brain drain is popular in Russia as well. Social techniques of returning of graduates with prestige education probated in the states of the former USSR may be demanded in Russia. In his turn M.V. Savva told representatives of IMO and NGOs of Moldova about ways of legal assistance to foreign migrants in the frames of the SRRC project, represented to Moldavian colleagues publications of the project: Instructions for labor migrants in Krasnodar region, Manual for foreigners entering Krasnodar region. It was agreed to cooperate solving problems of legal assistance to migrants. It is important for Krasnodar region, where there are many labor migrants from Moldova. Trip to Moscow of director of the project M.V. Savva on November 14-15 2011 (out of the New Eurasia Funds) for participation in conference Institutes of civil society of the USA and Russia: extending partnership where around 100 different organizations of civil society and authorities of both countries were represented. The conference was organized in the frames of US-Russia Civil Society Partnership Program. Work group Migration, where M.V. Savva took part, discussed priorities of cooperation of US and Russian civil society structures in legal assistance to migrants. During the discussion experience of the SRRC project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region was studied and named following directions of activities: migrants adaptation in local communities with the help of non-commercial organizations; experience of migrational amnesties and illegals legalization in the USA and participations in these processes of civil society; development of public institutes and network cooperation of NGOs in legal assistance to migrants and many others. For the Russian South that has for a long time been a center of attraction for migrants all these directions are very useful. Trip to Trieste, Italy on November 16-19 for participation in an XVII Annual seminar of (Network for Ethnic Monitoring and Early Warning of Conflict - EAWARN) on the topic of Polyethic communities and modern states (out of the EAWARNs funds). Scientists and practitioners researching problems of ethic relations and migration from the CIS, Baltic countries, Italy, Slovenia and France took part in the seminar. The head of the seminar was the RAS academician, a member of the Russian Public Chamber, a director of the Institute of ethnology and anthropology of the RAS V.A. Tishkov. PhD in Political science, director of the SRRC project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region M.V. Savva made a report Role of civil society in integration of migrants in the south of Russia on the seminar. The report was based on experience of the SRRC in cooperation with migrants in the frames of the project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region supported by John D. and Catherine T. McArthurs Fund. M.V. Savva underlined that an expert analysis of the project realization let state desirable priorities of migration policy of subjects of Russia in south region: migration amnesty for some people without legal status from the states of the former USSR and living in Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union; creation of conditions for necessary adaptation of migrants (and foreign laborers) to local socio-cultural conditions; prevention of possible conflicts between foreign laborers and long-standing inhabitants; legal assistance to migrants. An increase of young foreign laborers plans to acquire Russian citizenship and permanent residence in Russia was mentioned in the report. We can be sure that there 25% of people with such an orientation among foreign laborers. Their main motivation is decrease of duties to family and society in Russian society. In other words, a migrant living in Russia sends $200-250 per month home and he is free of many social duties (to family, relatives, neighborhood, etc.). This new trend of migrants in Russia makes things worse for authorities and civil society. New migration situation raises problems that cannot be solved only by authorities and demand active participation of civil society structures. Thats why experience n migrants integration of non-commercial organizations and the SRRC becomes more and more important. This experience may be differentiated into 3 groups: public awareness campaigns (as for migrants, as for adopting society); creation of conditions for social mobility of migrants (e.g. qualifications upgrading or teaching office professions); legal assistance to migrants. Recommendations were stated for authorities and local governmental bodies for increasing the efficiency of migration policy during the seminar. Trip of M.V. Savva to Tashkent on December 13-15 for participation in a conference of Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Fight against human trafficking: challenges, experience and positive results (out of the OSCE funds). Representatives of law enforcement bodies of Uzbekistan, Russia and Turkey took part in the conference. For Russia fight with human trafficking is one of the most actual ways of legal protection of migrants. In Krasnodar region there are cases of so called temporary slavery, when recruiters take away passports of labor migrants and make them work on worse conditions than agreed or for free. Passports are taken away as a guarantee of debt return for migrant arrival to Russia (often tickets are bought by recruiters). As a result a foreigner is in fact a slaver for several months, and he not only pays his debt for the arrival, but he also produces a significant profit to the recruiter and an employer as well. In the frames of the SRRC social project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region supported by John D. and Catherine T. McArthurs Fund some similar cases were ceased by authorities with the help of the SRRC. This experience of the SRRC was presented on the conference in the report of director of the project M.V. Savva on the topic Legal assistance to migrants: experience in cooperation of authorities and civil society structures. In Savvas report was presented experience of the SRRC through the Public Inspective committee of FMS with that governmental body, activities of the PIC of the region in legal assistance to migrants, work of the SRRC in legal consulting and support of migrants, education, informing of local communities of different aspects of migration. M.V. Savva during the conference made following recommendations: - to organize more close cooperation of non-commercial organizations of Russia, legally assisting to migrants, with non-governmental organizations of migrants native countries in cases of migrants rights violation; - to work intentionally on creation of conditions for each foreigner entering Russia to know where certainly he goes to work on; - to extend network of free legal assistance to migrants in regions of Russia where are massive flow of foreign migrants. Considering the increasing popularity of the problem in recent years to extend the specter of donor organizations, interested in support of legal assistance to migrants. Regarding the results of the conference M.V. Savva prepared a detailed Analytical survey of tendencies of migration problems in the post-Soviet space Mew migration challenges and possible solutions (added to the report). This analytical survey is oriented at experts and representatives of donor-organizations (implementing grant support to the work of non-commercial organizations with migrants on post-Soviet space). Informing about the project During the reporting period there were published in the newspapers: 1. Savvas article Migration amnesty is urgently necessary! (magazine Migration. XXI c. May June 2011). Magazine is published in Moscow by Migration XXI c. Fund and the Union of Journalists of Russia. 2. Article Ideal procedures of deportation of foreigners. M. Savva (magazine Migration XXI c., September, 26 October, 9, 2011). 3. Article-interview with director of the project in newspaper  Arguments and facts  Yug ! 38, 21.09.2011. 4. Article  Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent Migration newspaper, December 2011). 5. Article  Tajidin Nurmatov: Hope for international agreement (newspaper Krasnodarskiye novosti, May, 19, 2011). 6. Article We are welcoming everyone who obeys the law (Newspaper of Krasnodar region administration Kuban news 09.12.2011). 7. Article Ural Migration forum: acquaintance with civilized agent (newspaper Novaya Realnost, April 2011). 8. Information in the column New publications of the SRRC: The Uzbeks of Krasnodar region, Manual for labor migrants in Krasnodar region, Instructions for foreigners entering Krasnodar region (newspaper of the SRRC New Realty, April, 2011). 9. Article Legal assistance to migrants (newspaper Novaya Realnost, May, 2011). 10. Article Ideal procedures of deportation of foreigners. M.V. Savva (newspaper Novaya Realnost, June 2011). 11. Article Juridical office in the penal colony (newspaper Novaya Realnost, August, 2011). 12. Article Lidia Grafova: Our country has no future without migrants (newspaper Novaya Realnost, September 2011). 13. Article Bridges of neighborliness: dialogue about contemporary migration (newspaper Novaya Realnost, September, 2011). 14. Article Krasnodar Kishinev: experience exchange (newspaper Novaya Realnost, October 2011). 15. Article The SRRC experience international level (newspaper Novaya Realnost, November, 2011). 16. Article The SRRC experience in legal assistance to migrants represented in Tashkent (newspaper Novaya Realnost, December, 2011). So, there were 16 project articles published in newspapers and magazines an 2011. Informing on TV and radio: Februry, 12, 2011 newscast New television of Kuban (the channel of the Krasnodar region authorities) about the SRRC activities in legal assistance to migrants. May, 11- a program about migration problems on Golos Rossii radio Kavkaz channel an interview of the director of the project M.V. Savva about cooperation of civil society organizations with authorities in migrants rights advocacy. May, 23 a live interview of the director of the project, a professor M.V. Savva to The first radio of Kuban about the necessity of migration amnesty in Russia. August, 11 newscast New television of Kuban an interview of he director of the project about the release of the group of Tajik laborers in Krasnodar. September, 20 a program about integration of migrants in Russia of radio channel Golos Rossii radio Kavkaz an interview of the director of the program about methods of integration of young migrants. So, 5 programs of the project came out on TV and radio during the year. Articles on various websites: The SRRC site ( HYPERLINK "http://www.srrccs.ru" www.srrccs.ru) The annual report on the SRRC activities. Articles in the section News on the SRRC site 1. The 1st quarter of 2011 Inspection of human rights adherence in the special closed placement center for foreigners in Krasnodar. 2. The 2nd quarter of 2011 Meeting of Public inspective committee of FMS. 3.The 2nd quarter of 2011 Ideal procedures of deportation of foreigners. 4. The 2nd quarter of 2011 Role of public organizations in solving problems of compatriots and integration of migrants. 5. The 2nd quarter of 2011 Ural migration forum: acquaintance with civilized agent. 6. The 2nd quarter of 2011 In Yekaterinburg a circuit meeting of Community Board of FMS of Russia took place. 7. The 2nd quarter of 2011 In Moscow region an international conference Bridges of neighborliness took place. 8. The 2nd quarter of 2011 The SRRC got thanks for cooperation in release of several citizens of Tajikistan. 9. The 3rd quarter of 2011 No slavery in Kuban! 10. The 3rd quarter of 2011 Migrants consulting in Sochi. 11. The 4 quarter of 2011 Influence of migration processes on socio-economical development of the region was discussed in Krasnodar. 12. The 4 quarter of 2011 Experience of the SRRC in legal assistance to migrants represented in Tashkent. 13. The 4 quarter of 2011 Meeting of Public consulting board of FMS in Krasnodar region. 14. The 4 quarter of 2011 International seminar in Trieste: the SRRC experience is represented. 15. The 4 quarter of 2011 Work meetings in Moldova: experience in solving migration problems. The SRRC programs site Advocacy of non-commercial organizations in North Caucasus  HYPERLINK "http://www.ngonk.ru" www.ngonk.ru: 1. Article in the section News The SRRC experience in legal assistance to migrants represented in Tashkent, December, 19, 2011. Articles published on other websites The Social map of Russia http:/www.sockart.ru: 1. Pamphlets of the SRRC The Gypsies of Krasnodar region, The Uzbeks of Krasnodar region, The Georgians of Krasnodar region, Instructions for foreigners entering Krasnodar region the Social map of Russia site. The site of FMS of Russia http:/fms.gov.ru: 1. Article One more step of Kuban to integration, December, 2, 2011. 2. Article International organization of migration marked out high level of cooperation of authorities and society structures in Kuban, 24.08.2011. 3. Article Experience of the SRRC in legal assistance to migrants represented in Tashkent, December, 15, 2011. 4. Article A manual for foreigners entering Krasnodar region is published, May, 2011. The FMS of Russia in Krasnodar region site www.ufmskrn.ru: 1. Article A manual for migrants is published in Krasnodar, February, 2011. 2. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent, 16.12.2011. 3. Article Krasnodar region experience in integration process of migrants is acknowledged, December, 2, 2011. 4. Article Igor Semenyakin: Work with addresses of citizens and public organizations will improve 28.11.2011. The Live Kuban livekuban.ru: 1. Article International organization of migration marked out high level of cooperation of authorities and society structures in Kuban, 24.08.2011. 2. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent and etc. (5 publications) The Federal policy site federal.polit.ru: 1. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent, 19.12.2011. The site http://www.srossib.ru: 1. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent, 20.12.2011. The Baltic recruit company site  HYPERLINK "http://www.brc.net.ru/" \t "_blank" brc.net.ru HYPERLINK "http://www.brc.net.ru/news/data/ic_news/334/" \t "_blank" news: 1. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent, 19.12.2011. The Baromig site  HYPERLINK "http://www.baromig.ru/" \t "_blank" baromig.ru HYPERLINK "http://www.baromig.ru/news/novgorodskaya-oblast-otkryla-dlya-trudovykh-migrantov-vse-rayony.php" \t "_blank" news: 1. Article Kuban experience in cooperation of authorities and society in solving migration problems represented in Tashkent, 20.12.2011. The RIA FederalPressYug site  HYPERLINK "http://media-kuban.ru/" \t "_blank" media-kuban.ru HYPERLINK "http://media-kuban.ru/federal/UFMS_Kubani_i_professor_Savva_poluchili_mezhdunarodnuyu_blagodarnost_za_spasenie_tadzhikov-20110825-091801.html" \t "_blank" federal: 1. Article FMS in Krasnodar region and a professor M. Savva got international acknowledgement. The official site of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Krasnodar region  HYPERLINK "http://www.guvd-kuban.ru/press/news" http://www.guvd-kuban.ru/press/news: 1. Article International organization of migration marked out high level of cooperation of authorities and society structures in Kuban, 25.08.2011. 2. Article Inspection of human rights adherence in the special closed placement center for foreigners in Krasnodar February, 22, 2011. The official site of the republic of Tajikistan on migration  HYPERLINK "http://www.migration.tj/" \t "_blank" migration.tjru/index: 1. Article Release of Tajik migrants from imprisonment, September, 29, 2011. The site of the Forum of migration organizations  HYPERLINK "http://www.migrant.ru" www.migrant.ru: 1. Article FMS published a manual for labor migrants in Krasnodar region, February, 8, 2011 (3 publications). So, 86 materials were placed on different Internet-resources in 2011. Totally there were 106 publications of the project in mass media in 2011. Those are 3 pamphlets, 15 printed publications, 1 telereport, 1 radio interview, 86 publications in the Internet media (among them 16 publications on the SRRC sites). It is necessary to note significant increase of materials of the project on the sites of other organizations in comparison with 2010. It is connected with big number of actual information causes created during the project implementation in 2011. Additionally to placement of information materials in mass media other ways of informing of the project activities were used. On January, 12, 2011 issues of the SRRC legal assistance to migrants were discussed in Krasnodar with participation of M.V. Savva on the seminar Europian convention for Human Rights for people involved in legal assistance to the Gypsies, organized by the European center of the Gypsies rights. On February, 25 the SRRC pamphlet Instructions for labor migrants in Krasnodar region presentation took place during the seminar for correspondents of printed and electronic mass media Information supply of migration policy in mass media of Krasnodar region in Krasnodar. On March, 20 M.V. Savva met with the leaders of migrants groups from Tajikistan, ways of informing of foreign migrants of possibilities of legal assistance in the SRRC were discussed. On May, 30 a work meeting with the researchers from the USA Dr. Beth Mitchenec (The University of Arizona) and Dr. Oliver Bevan (Harvard University) took place in Krasnodar for discussion of migration issues and legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region. On June, 28 M.V. Savva had a work meeting with the representative of the High Commissioner Directorate of United Nations in the matter of refugees in Russia Geshe Carrebbrok during the conference Ways of peaceful cooperation in contemporary society. M.V. Savva proved his opinion of necessity of migration amnesty in Russia. On December, 21 there was a round table organized by the Krasnodar regional department of the Union of Journalists of Russia on the theme of Migration processes in Kuban and their influence on socio-economic development of the country. Representatives of the regional administration, FMS, diasporas, reporters took part in the event. The main report was done by the director of the project M.V. Savva who generalized the SRRC experience in legal assistance to migrants. The materials of the round table are planned to be printed in Novaya gazeta Kubani in January, 2012. Interaction between civil society and specialized bodies of state authority in the protection of migrants' rights through system of public councils under these authorities M.V. Savva, Project Director, vice-chairman of the Public Council under the Governor of Krasnodar Region on the development issues of civil society and human rights, prepared a chapter of The Council's annual report to the Governor Observance of Migrants Rights in Krasnodar Region in 2011.This report is published and posted on the Krasnodar Region Administration official site.The chapter contains an appeal to the Krasnodar Regional Court on issue of various groups of migrants rights protection. M.V. Savva points out in this section that In 2011 in Krasnodar region a system of operational cooperation worked out in legal assistance to migrants including FMS in the region, Public advisory board of FMS, Public Inspective committee of Krasnodar region, Community board of the governor and a range of non-commercial organizations. A report has following recommendations for Community board by the governor and for the governor on the results of 2011: 1. Community board of the governor of Krasnodar region in cooperation of development of civil society institutes and human rights: to cooperate in activation of the dialogue of profile non-commercial organizations of Krasnodar region working in the sphere of protection of rights of migrants with non-governmental organizations in countries of origin (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.). For the dialogue activation such forms as round tables, conferences, creation of permanent virtual networks of partners in regions, mutual work visits, financing of mutual public monitoring of migrants rights adherence, publication and outspread of analytical reports about violations o human/migrants rights and methods of fight with this problem in Krasnodar region among international organizations (United Nations, etc.). 2. Administration of Krasnodar region: to support activities of civil society structures in protection of rights and interests of foreign migrants in Krasnodar region, their adaptation in Kuban, considering the importance of economic and image aspects of the work: to cooperate in financing of domestic and foreign grant-giving organizations. On May, 26, 2011 M.V. Savva participated on the meeting of Public advisory board of FMS in Krasnodar region. It was suggested to prepare amendments to Russian legislation to prevent deportation from Russia of illegal migrants to states where they are not citizens. Vice-chairman of Public advisory board M.V. Savva based on the facts of deportation to other states of stateless, who have lived in Krasnodar region for a long time and have no connections with their native countries. Their deportation is legal but not humane. On November, 24 M.V. Savva participated on the meeting of Public advisory board of FMS in Krasnodar region. It was his suggestion to include in the working plan of PAB for 2012 following issues: 91鶹 the experience of civil society structures in Krasnodar region in integration of migrants and 91鶹 the quality of services of FMS subdivisions in Krasnodar region. Project results: !!ResultParameter of carrying out for the period from January 1st to December 31, 20111Number of migrants who received consultations on various kinds on problems of registration and citizenship 2892Number of information materials about the project and its achievements in mass media (newspapers)163Number of information materials about the project and its achievements in mass media (TV/radio) 54Number of information materials about the project and its achievements on the SRRC website 16 5Number of the SRRC website visitors 14 2006Number of information materials about the project and its achievements on other websites 70 The project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar Region (Legal support of solving of problems of registration and citizenship for migrants of Krasnodar region) was implemented in accordance with the plan. Director of project Legal assistance to migrantsin Krasnodar Region (Legal support of solving of problems of REGISTRATION AND citizenship for migrants of Krasnodar region), Professor M.V. Savva January 31th 2011 Appendix New migration challenges and their possible resolutions An analytical survey of tendencies of migration problems on post-Soviet space On December, 14-15, 2011 in Tashkent by the initiative of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe a conference Fight with human trafficking: challenges, experience and positive results allowed to generalize the experience of authorities and non-commercial organizations in solving most urgent problems caused by migration flows, and to estimate new migration threatens and find their resolutions. It became possible thanks to the direct dialogue of experts of migration issues as from their native countries as from accepting countries. Understanding of migration issues on the whole way of labor migrants let suggest new methods of protection of their rights and interests. During the recent years problems, that follow the active labor migration to Russia from Central Asia, have changed. Besides, there are new problems. It is mainly the result of natural change of generation of migrants (in labor migration are included young people, grown up socialized in sovereign states), overcoming of consequences of social-economic crises of 2008-2009. The main factor of change of migration problems design is permanent accumulation of differences in socio-economic systems and political regimes in our countries. At the same time there is some decrease of activities, including human rights protection and migration to Russia. It is connected with the compatriots of migration wave of the 90es who have already integrated in local communities of Russia and are not migrants any more. Previously, many migration organizations were occupied not only in solving problems of members of the organizations, but included in their activities foreign laborers. Decrease of the resource demands strengthening the potential and possibilities of active rights protecting organizations, specializing on solving problems of different categories of migrants, including their most massive group foreign laborers. New design of migration problems: 1. Temporary slavery. In terms of decrease of practices of illegal exploitation of foreign laborers by directly Russian employers cases of temporary slavery are becoming more often among foreign laborers and their exploitation by recruiters. As a rule, middlemen are citizens of migrants native country or citizens of recipient country and belong to the corresponding diasporas. Middlemen pay for the migrants arrival to Russia, but take away their passports on the ground of securing of debt return. After that foreign laborers for a long time (for several months as a rule) are in temporary slavery: they get salary significantly less than previously agreed, work in worse conditions, etc. In fact middlemen resell these people to employers playing sometimes the role of team managers. The cause of temporary slavery problem is including in migration process of people with law level of welfare (no matter how educated they are) who are not able to pay for their arrival. In case of appeal of a person being in temporary slavery through their relatives to rights protection organization, possibility to help them depends on the existence of non-commercial organization being able to influence local FMS bodies. As a rule, a foreigner cannot come out of the cabala theirself, they have no direct contact with the authorities. Currently an interested middleman is necessary to help migrants problems solving, such as Russian rights protection organization able to use resources of community boards of police, FMS and public inspective committees in control of human rights adherence in places of forced custody. Migrants or his representatives appeals to court are impossible or useless. Also it is necessary to inform a migrant about threatens and problems connected with agreements of work places through middlemen on stage of decision making to go for a work. Such information prepared by Russian non-commercial organizations with the contacts of rights protection organizations in Russia have to be spread through partners to migrants countries. 2. Young foreign laborers are worse in Russian language. Practice of Krasnodar region and other regions of Russia shows that young people born in the 90s of XX c. know very badly or dont know at all Russian language. It creates conditions for their rights violation by middlemen, employers and law-enforcement authorities. It is possible to deceive them in contract conclusion, etc. Quite often for solving problems of young migrants in Russia an interpreter is needed. To solve this problem and assist effectively if it is necessary engaging of representatives of diasporas having legal status for living in Russia and knowing Russian and migrants native language is possible. 3. Strengthening of young migrants decision to integrate in Russian society. Some young people entering Russia from Central Asia have a clear plan to integrate in Russia (i.e. to acquire Russian citizenship and permanent residence). These people are not oriented at returning to their native countries. Experts think that there are 25% of such people among all foreign laborers entering Russia. They explain such personal strategy by much higher level of personal freedom in Russian society. Really, a man has more duties for family, relatives, etc. in more traditional countries. Living in Russia allows them to find their path of personal development, lessening their duties for relatives to monthly payments. Strengthening of plans of integration supposes change in behavior strategy: these young people are more active in local communities, appear in public places, that is they destroy the previous closeness of labor groups. It leads to more conflicts of foreign migrants with local youth (as a rule, it is a competition for women). Such conflicts often become ethnical. 4. Weakening of the common Cultural circle of migrants and local communities. Young generation of migrants and the youth of the recipient country didnt have common soviet past. In two decades of independence socio-economic situation and political regimes became brightly peculiar. As a result, migrants are poorly oriented at legal and socio-cultural peculiarities of recipient communities, at possibilities of getting a job and have to believe to recruiters. This creates additional possibilities for violation of rights and interests of migrants. Named problems cannot be solved only by authorities. Their effective resolution supposes deep and sincere interest of executives in the outcome, and it is hard to wait for it from bureaucrats. Authorities should cooperate with civil society structures. Moreover, legal assistance issues should be solved mainly by non-commercial organizations because an official as a rule is an opponent of migrants or one of his rights violator. FMS of Russia demonstrated readiness to consider integration issues by creating in their structure a special department of cooperation to integration. However, the efficiency of the department and the territorial bodies of FMS in integration is impossible without the use of corresponding experience of non-commercial organizations. Solving of the problems named above is possible by the following methods: 1. Territorial extension of social networks of legal assistance to migrants in Russia. For example, the SRRC implements a project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region supported by John D. and Catherine T. McArthurs Fund in Krasnodar region (till September, 2012). Worked out methods of legal assistance to migrants can be spread to additional tows of Krasnodar region, where massive engaging of foreign laborers takes place (e.g. in Novorossiysk, where there is an intense engaging of migrants in construction of industrial objects), and to some neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation (Rostov region, Stavropol region), but grant support is necessary for this. 2. Development of practice of legal assistance to migrants problems solving in Russian regions by lawyers of expert non-commercial organizations. Legal assistance is not only consulting, it supposes representation of migrants interests at court, at FMS, etc. As its seen from the SRRC experience, the qualification of lawyers is very important; they have to specialize in solving migration problems; inclusion of rights protection organizations where such lawyers work in public advisory boards of authorities is important. Apart from that, it became actual to train lawyers specialized in migrants assistance. It can be training seminars, exchange training, international conferences on legal norms and laws of migration policy of migrants country and the recipient country. 3. More active engagement of the system of public advisory boards of territorial FMS bodies in solving problems of migrants advocacy. Members of the public advisory boards are objectively interested in prevention of migrants rights violation and restoring of legitimacy. However, it is necessary to work out and present to these boards methodical recommendations based on generalization of practical experience of expert organizations (the SRRC, etc.) . 4. Activation of protection of rights of foreign migrants, who are to be deported. In the practice of the SRRC there are cases of illegal decisions of deportation of foreign migrants out of Russia and there are corruption practices leading to their deportation. It is possible to appeal to deportation only during 10 days. At that time a migrant is in special closed placement center (place of forced custody, subdued to police) where only members of PIC of control of human rights adherence in places of custody can enter. Consequently, it is necessary to enforce cooperation of rights protection organizations busy with migrants rights protection and corresponding PICs, also to generalize and distribute experience of the cooperation, e.g. in Krasnodar region. Such materials help migrants to socialize in the recipient community. Also, courses of rising the qualification are in demand, they help migrants to acquire skills in office professions (computer literacy, etc). Experience in holding such training events has Krasnodar volunteer center Levados. 6. Legal assistance to national non-commercial organizations and their representatives, the initiators of creation of NGOs legally assisting migrants. Creation of national NGOs cooperating with their compatriots in acquiring permission to work, their following employment and assistance in acquiring of documents, proving their legal presence in Russia, of Russian citizenship, is a very difficult process often with non-overcoming difficulties for initiators of such organizations. The SRRC is experienced in legal assistance in registration of non-commercial organizations. As it is seen from the SRRC lawyers experience, highly qualified juridical assistance is necessary in creation and registration of such organizations. It is connected with the peculiarity of registration of national non-commercial organizations with high attention to their documents of the Ministry of Justice subdivisions. As a rule, if legal assistance is absent, then territorial subdivisions of the Ministry decide to decline the registration of ethnic public organizations. Difficulties have not only initiators of creating national NGOs, but and active organizations as well, because from the moment of their registration governmental control and inspection doesnt weaken, but strengthens. That is why national non-commercial organizations need complex legal assistance in issues of their activities and advocacy. Legal assistance can be implemented in following directions: juridical consulting in legal aspects of NGOs activities; preparation of documents for NGOs registration; preparation of documents for the NGOs emblems registration; preparation of documents for changing organizational and other documents of NGOs; legal audit of NGOs documents; protection at court in case of violation of rights for union. It is necessary to note that all new problems of foreign migrants can be solved in Russia only if authorities and rights protection non-commercial organizations of expert level cooperate and only with participation of rights protection non-commercial organization of migrants native countries (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.). For example, legal assistance to migrants in Russia is possible if only a foreigner informs of their problems. But foreign laborers, as a rule, do not have contacts with local rights protection organizations and address by telephone to their relatives in their native countries. Those, in their turn, address to rights protection organization also of their country. Thats why it is necessary that rights protection organizations of native countries have permanent work contacts with corresponding organizations in regions of Russia. For supporting grant-giving organizations it is necessary to activate the dialogue of profile non-commercial organizations of Russia working in a sphere of labor migration with NGOs of their native countries. For the dialogue activation such forms can be used as round tables, conferences, permanently active virtual networks of partners in regions, creation of representatives of NGOs of native countries based on Russian NGOs in regions, mutual working visits (e.g. Russian organizations can go with educational missions of clarification of the Russian legislation in migration, presentation of the analysis of practice of rights violation), financing of mutual public monitoring of migrants rights adherence, publication and distribution in international organizations (the United Nations, etc.) of analytical reports of human/migrant rights violation (as in native countries, as in Russia) in international conventions. Effective educational work among labor migrants oriented at prevention of their rights violation, should be cooperated with rights protection organizations from regions of Russia and their native countries. So, prepared and published in Russia information materials for migrants (potential migrants) Russian organizations cannot distribute theirself, they need a corresponding partner. 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native countries. These social projects for being more efficient have to: - base on previous experience in activities of organization-applicants in migrants advocacy; - foresee work on one or several methods named above (territorial extension of social networks of legal assistance to foreign migrants in Russia; development of practice of juridical support in solving problems of migrants in regions of Russia by lawyers of expert non-commercial organizations; more active engagement in systems of public advisory boards of territorial bodies of FMS in issues of foreign migrants advocacy; activation in protection of rights of foreign migrants to be deported; activation and efficiency increase of educational work for migrants to improve their knowledge in legal and socio-cultural peculiarities of recipient communities, in possibilities of employment); - foresee generalization and translation of experience of new approaches to foreign migrants advocacy in Russia. PhD in Political Science, a professor of Kuban State university, A director of the SRRC project Legal assistance to migrants in Krasnodar region M.V. Savva     PAGE  PAGE 39 /#/./fgwxǶrbOGCGCGCGChojhoU$hhCJOJQJaJmH sH hCJOJQJaJmH sH -hh #B*CJOJQJaJmH ph3fsH 0hh #5B*CJOJQJaJmH ph3fsH 'hhvhhv5CJOJQJaJmH sH !h5CJOJQJaJmH sH !hhv5CJOJQJaJmH sH 'hXhX5CJOJQJaJmH sH U!hX5CJOJQJaJmH sH x.N &`#$gd #$dh`a$gd:$hhCJOJQJaJmH sH hohRk:0J'mHnHuh' h'0J'jh'0J'U< 00&P 1h:p #. 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