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While students normally choose the themes that broadly lie within the academic discipline of a relevant program, AUCA encourages students to explore cross-disciplinary topics and themes that lead to integration of knowledge received in various fields and disciplines. Students are encouraged to plan their senior thesis as early as possible. In the second semester of their third year students are required to formally submit the proposed topic for their senior thesis (see Tentative Senior Thesis Proposal Form). The deadline for tentative senior project proposal is the last Monday of April of junior year. Students are not required to complete and demonstrate an extensive research before proposing a topic. However, they are expected to have a clear idea about key research questions on the topic proposed. The proposed topics can be changed/ revised at a later stage based on consultation with faculty advisors. Steps for applying to write a senior thesis: Choose and meet with your intended thesis supervisor. Explain your topic to him/ her, and get feedback about whether this is a fruitful topic to pursue in a thesis. Submit a 3-4 page thesis proposal. This proposal should include a description of the topic, the questions you seek to answer, how you will answer these questions (your methodology), what answers you expect to find, and preliminary bibliography at least 10 books, scientific articles (if you mention web-based articles, you should have the special permission from your supervisor) The thesis proposal is due to the ES department by 5 p.m. last Monday of April of junior year. The deadline is non-negotiable. Thesis proposals will be approved at the departmental meeting by the end of exam period. You will be notified on your thesis proposal (dis)approval by your supervisor by the end of spring semester exam period. Your senior thesis proposal and list of bibliography is your final work at the Research Methods course. European Studies program is encouraged to organize series of meetings with junior students during the academic year to facilitate the process of developing thesis proposals. C. Selecting the Senior Thesis Topic: Subjects of the senior thesis have to be determined by students themselves. In case of necessity the subjects can be supplied by the prospective thesis supervisor or the major department. The subject of the senior thesis must reflect the field of study and be scientifically relevant. In deciding whether the chosen topic is suited for senior thesis the ES department is guided by the following considerations: a) is it relevant to European Studies? b) is it relevant to academic policy of AUCA? c) is it relevant in practical and/or theoretical sense? d) can the research be completed during two semesters? e) does the subject enable the student to show he/she meets the overall program objectives? f) does the topic correspond to or link with the current moment or situation in Central Asia and/ orEurope? D. Registering for Senior Thesis: In order to register for the senior thesis ES students need to have earned at least 105 credits by the end of their third year of study. If students have fewer than 105 credits they are not allowed to participate in the senior thesis project. Students should abide by the registration deadlines detailed by AUCA timetable. % See the schedule for deadlines below. E. Selecting the Thesis Supervisor: To ensure effective writing the student is guided by the thesis supervisor. The responsibility lies with students to choose a supervisor for their senior thesis. Students should approach the perspective faculty of the major department, or outside, as soon as possible to discuss their project. Within the ES department the thesis supervisor can be any faculty member of the ES department. The supervisor can be chosen from a different department provided the topic of the thesis relates to facultys field of study. The supervisor will let you know whether you may continue your thesis project during the spring semester by the last day of exams period in the fall semester. (See attachment 6) According to the deadlines the supervisor should provide a Review report (one copy in paper and one in electronic format) to the ES department (See attachment 5) % See the schedule for deadlines below. F. Responsibilities and Terms of Arrangement agreement Student and thesis supervisor should fill out the Responsibilities and Terms of Arrangement contract. This agreement is due to the supervisor by the add/drop period in fall semester. This contract specifies expectations on how often student will meet/ have contact with the supervisor, when drafts are due, and requirements for being approved to continue with the thesis process during the spring semester. After completing fall semester requirements for the senior thesis writing the  Responsibilities and Terms of Arrangement contract should be filled out in drop period for spring semester. % See attachment 3. G. Meetings with senior thesis supervisor: For a successful defense of the senior thesis student should have regular (one time in a week) meetings with supervisor. Supervisor and student make the schedule together. Supervisor will moderate and assist student in each question concerning thesis writing, but student should work hard and be active in his research. Every meeting would be effective and move student forward if student comes with questions, and submit several pages of his work to the supervisor. Moreover, professor of the senior thesis seminar should participate in writing procedure by using the course and seminar topics, organizing team work, discussing student class and writing work, providing class materials for the effective completion. Discipline, activity, responsibility and deadlines keeping will ensure completion of the senior thesis writing. H. Departmental Approval of the Senior Thesis The topic of the senior thesis as well as the appointment of a supervisor must be approved by the department in the beginning of the academic year. When the topic of the research paper is approved by the department, the student has to elaborate the research goal and conform to the supervisor the schedule for the senior thesis completion. All this must be submitted for approval to the university by the chair of the department in the middle of September. % See the schedule for deadlines below. I. Preliminary Defense of the Senior Thesis: The preliminary defense is designed to keep track of students progress on the senior thesis. To this end, the draft of the senior thesis has to be submitted for the review by the department in the end of the fall semester and be presented by the student on the first week after the spring break at the department. This way the preliminary defense allows students to reflect on the progress of their work and plan for the final draft. First Monday of March after the spring break student submits 30 pages of written and reviewed work by supervisor to the ES department. During the preliminary defense the student reports to the department on the state of research as well as on the state of preparation of the senior thesis for the final defense. The department gives its recommendations to the student and  if necessary  alerts him to the deficiencies/ shortcomings and missing parts of the senior thesis. % See the schedule for deadlines below. J. Selecting the External Reviewer After the preliminary defense it is time to choose an external reviewer. The selection of the external reviewer is solely the responsibility of the student. In case student faces difficulty to find the external reviewer the department can assist him in selecting the second reviewer. The second reviewer cant be ES faculty, but any faculty member of the AUCA or come from a different academic institution provided he / she has expertise on students selected topic. According to the deadlines the external reviewer should provide a Review report (one copy in paper and one in electronic format) to the ES department (See attachment 5). % See the schedule for deadlines below. K. Final Defense of the Senior Thesis: The final version of the senior thesis should be submitted to the supervisor according to the schedule below. The supervisor writes comments on the senior thesis and submits it to the department no later than one week ahead of the final defense. The department decides on whether the senior thesis should be admitted to the final defense. In case of approval the chair of department puts signature on the front page. % See the schedule for deadlines below. II. Senior Thesis Seminar In order to ensure effective conduct of senior thesis senior students are consigned in the senior thesis seminar (ES 400 and ES 401) in the fourth year of study. This is two semester long seminar conducted by a senior faculty member of ES department. The purpose of the seminar is to provide guidance and assistance in the writing of the senior thesis, and to provide a general review of the theories, methods and substantive conclusions covered in European Studies disciplines with goal to create a bridge to a successful preparation and defense of senior theses. The registration for the senior thesis seminar takes place at the AUCA regular registration time. Senior thesis seminar schedule is linked to the schedule of the draft submissions. % See the schedule for deadlines below. Midterm and final grade for the senior thesis seminar I in fall semester is equal to the grade for senior thesis writing in fall semester, and is a prerequisite for Senior thesis seminar II in spring semester and participation in preliminary defense. Midterm and final grade for the senior thesis seminar II in spring semester is equal to the grade for senior thesis writing in spring semester, and is a prerequisite to participation in defense and state exams. III. Submitting the Senior Thesis A. Layout Before submitting the final draft the senior thesis must be proofread for typographical errors, correct grammar, and proper citation. The senior thesis must be written in a grammatically accurate language and be bound. The font size is 12 (Times New Roman) double space. All references must be done using the MLA style. The size of the thesis should be no less than 30 pages. Sections of the senior thesis: The sections of the students thesis will vary based on the topic, methodology, research questions, etc.: a) Title page b) Dedication / Acknowledgments c) Synopsis/ short summary of the main findings (1-2 pages) in English, and in French or German version d) Acronyms e) Table of contents f) Introduction Introduce the topic, why is it interesting? How did you arrive at this topic? State your research questions State your central findings in your thesis statement g) Literature review What is the relevant literature to your topic? How have other scholars answered your research questions? Why is your work contributing new and/ or important ideas to this literature? Based on your review of the existing literature, what do you expect to find? These are your hypothesis? h) Methodology How will you answer your questions? Depending of your method, this section will take different forms. Are you analyzing documents? Which documents? Theses in European Studies and some areas of International relations may not require a methodology section. This section should be very detailed, especially in your first draft. It is better to include too much explanation of how you have conducted your original research. And then out it later. i) Findings What did your research reveal? j) Discussion of your research findings How do your findings compare with your expectations? How do your findings answer your research questions? k) Conclusion What contributions does this research make to the research in European Studies? Based on your findings, what future research do you think would shed more light on your research questions? l) Endnotes (if endnotes are used) m) Bibliography You must include a bibliography whether you use footnotes or endnotes in your text. All of your formatting, including your bibliography, must be based on MLA style. n) Appendices (if any) You should include a copy of any survey or questionnaire you distributed in an appendix. An appendix might also include tables of raw data analysis, which you did not include in the text of your thesis. B. Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftn1" \o "" [1] It is important to learn how to use information from outside sources without committing plagiarism. To plagiarize is to steal and pass off as ones own ideas, words, or writings of another (Merriam Webster). This dictionary definition is quite straightforward, but it is possible for students to plagiarize inadvertently if they do not carefully distinguish between their own ideas or paper topics and those of others. The AUCA faculty regards acts of plagiarism very seriously. Listed below are guidelines to help students avoid committing plagiarism. All work submitted must be the authors. Authors should be able to trace all of their sources and defend the originality of the final argument presented in the work. When taking notes, students should record full bibliographical material pertaining to the source and should the page reference for all notes, not just quotations. All phrases, sentences, and excerpts that are not the authors must be identified with quotation marks or identification. Even when you cite your source, if your paraphrase is too similar to the original, you are guilty of plagiarism. HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftn2" \o "" [2] Footnotes, endnotes, and parenthetical documentation (called in-noting) must identify with source from which the phrases, sentences, and excerpts have been taken. All ideas and data that are not the authors must also be attributed to a particular source, in a footnote, endnote, or in-note (see-above). Bibliographies must list all sources used in a paper. Students who have doubts as to whether they are providing adequate documentation of their sources should seek guidance from their instructor before preparing a final draft of the assignment. Students who plagiarize may be expelled from university. C. Submitting the Senior Thesis The senior thesis is due two weeks ahead of the final defense. The date of the final defense is appointed by the department in accordance with the AUCA schedule for the state exams. All students are required to submit final versions of their thesis on the first Monday of April of the senior year. Each submission must include three bounded copies of senior thesis. Additionally, students should send an electronic copy in PDF format to the ES department. The final product should conform to the following format requirements: Use standard A4 paper Use 12p font and double space the text Number pages with Arabic numerals. The title page, acknowledgements and table of contents should not be numbered. Page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of the pages. Title page should conform to the template attached below. Abstract of the senior thesis (no more than 1-2 pages) in English, and in German or French version While being in preparation for the final defense, the student has to prepare all needed handouts and, if needed, arrange technical equipment. D. Organization of the Final Defense The final defense takes place before the State Examination Committee. The composition of the State Examination Committee should be agreed by the department. Before the final defense the secretary of the State Examination Committee submits the copies of the bachelor thesis as well as all other related documents to the head of the State Examination Committee. After that the student takes the floor for the presentation of his/her bachelor thesis. The presentation should last no more than 15 minutes. The usual time allotted for the defense is about 25-30 minutes. During the presentation the student should demonstrate: a) the relevance of the topic b) the theoretical and methodical assumptions on which the senior thesis is founded c) the main findings of the conducted research d) the proposals for the solution of the problems posed by the senior thesis e) the usefulness of the senior thesis for other relevant research or in teaching f) the actuality of the research topic, its link withCentral Asiaor native country situation g) conclusion IV. Preparation Stages for the Senior Thesis: NB: deadline is non-negotiable Stage DescriptionParticipants and responsible persons Deadlines1 Explanation of AUCA and ES rules for senior thesis writingChair of the department, studentsFirst week after spring break 2Tentative Senior thesis topic proposal (3-4 pages) and preliminary list of bibliography as a final research work for the Research Methods courseStudents, chair of the department, professor of Research Methods courselast Monday of April of junior year at 5 p.m.3Preliminary approval of senior thesis topics and supervisors by departmentChair and faculty of the department, supervisorsFinal exams week4Filling out the Responsibilities and Terms of Arrangement agreement for fall semesterStudents, supervisorsAdd/drop period in fall semester5University approval of senior thesis topics and supervisors by departmentChair of the department, office manager, administrationBy AUCA schedule in fall semester6Searching and evaluation of bibliography and relevant data. Screening main sources and preliminary elaboration of factual materials related to the topic of the senior thesis: 10 pages written by senior student as a midterm work at the Senior thesis seminar I.Students, Supervisor, professor of Senior thesis seminar IFirst week after fall break7Preparation of the preliminary version of the Introduction, 1 chapter of the senior thesis and its submission to the supervisor for the review on basis of which the supervisor gives recommendations to the student: 20 pages written by senior student as a final work at Senior thesis seminar I.Students, Supervisor, professor of Senior thesis seminar IFinal exams week in fall semester8Report of supervisor of fall semester students work.Supervisors, studentsFinal exams week in fall semester9Filling out the Responsibilities and Terms of Arrangement agreement for spring semesterSupervisors, Students, chair of the departmentFirst week of spring semester10Preparation of the preliminary version of the 2 chapter of the senior thesis, conclusion and its submission to the supervisor for the review on basis of which the supervisor gives recommendations to the student: 30 pages written by senior student as a midterm work at the Senior thesis seminar II.Students, Supervisor, professor of Senior thesis seminar IIFirst Monday after spring break11Preliminary defenseStudents, supervisors, chair and faculty of the department,First week after spring break12A complete rough draft of the senior thesis for the defense: 30-50 pages written by student and approved by supervisor (content) and professor of Senior thesis seminar II (formal correspondences) as a final work at the Senior thesis seminar II.Students, Supervisor, professor of Senior thesis seminar IIMiddle April at 5 p.m.13Report of supervisor of spring semester students work.Supervisors, studentsLast day of regular classes 14Submission of the final version of the senior thesis: 3 (three) bounded copies and 1 (one) electronic copy to the ES departmentStudents, Chair of the department, office managerFirst week of May15Submission of the review report of the supervisor and the external reviewer in paper and electronic format to the ES departmentSupervisor, external reviewer Middle of May16Final defenseStudents, state exam commission, chair of the department, office managerState exam period Attachment 1 AmericanUniversityofCentral Asia Department Title Title of the work By Student name Supervisor: Supervisors name A thesis submitted to the [Department title] of American University of Central Asia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts Month, Year Bishkek,KyrgyzRepublic Attachment 2 SENIOR THESIS/PROJECT TOPIC PROPOSAL This form is completed by all third-year students by last Monday of April at 5 p.m. to the ES department. You will be notified by your advisor by the end of spring semester exam period as to whether the department has approved your proposal. Submit a 3-4 page thesis proposal. Students name _______________________________________________ Department ________________________________________________ Preliminary Topic: _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ In additional paper: 1. Short description of the proposed project, including assessment of importance and feasibility of the research project and description of the expected output (300-400 words) The questions you seek to answer 3. How you will answer these questions (your methodology) 4. What answers you expect to find 5. Preliminary bibliography with at least 10 books, scholarly articles (if you mention web-based articles, you will have the special permission from your advisor) Preliminary Faculty Supervisor (optional): _______________________________________ Students signature ______________________________ Date ______________________________ Attachment 3 AMERICANUNIVERSITYINCENTRAL ASIA EUROPEAN STUDIES THESIS RESPONSIBILITIES AND TERMS OF ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftn3" \o "" [3] Purpose A Senior Thesis is an original intellectual and creative output that rounds out and caps each students program of study. A senior thesis is a large, independent research project that ES students undertake in the senior year of their study. The senior thesis involves two semesters of independent research and writing efforts resulting in a substantial paper on a subject pertaining to European culture, economics, history, law and politics. Writing a thesis will give students the opportunity to conduct research in their field, and gain first hand research experience. The purpose of this contract is to outline the responsibilities of senior students and their supervisors during research and writing process. Responsibilities To help ensure the interests and promote the benefits of a working arrangement for all parties involved, the following lists of rights and responsibilities have been developed. Thesis supervisor Encourage and support a students research and writing goals. Read and respond to inquiries concerning thesis work in a timely manner. Read and return student outlines and drafts in a timely manner. Discuss research and writing expectations and standards with the student. Let student know if he/ she may continue the thesis project during the spring semester by the last day of exams in fall semester. Student Develop clear research goals. Demonstrate commitment to the thesis process through time devoted to research and writing each week. Abide by the timelines and due dates established in this contract. Discuss research/ writing difficulties with the supervisor before due dates. Fall semester Students name _____________________________________________________ Students e-mail ____________________________________________________ Thesis title ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ________________________________________________________ Supervisors e-mail _________________________________________________ Terms of Arrangement: How often will student/ supervisor meet to discuss thesis progress? When will these meetings occur? What date is outline and bibliography due? Are there any particular requirements/ expectations for the outline and bibliography? What piece of the thesis is due by the due date in fall semester (i.e. first chapter; summaries of multiple chapters; evidence of research progress)? How much progress on the thesis is required to approve students work for continuation in spring semester? Students signature _______________________________ Date _____________ Supervisors signature _____________________________ Date ____________ Spring semester Students name _____________________________________________________ Students e-mail ____________________________________________________ Thesis title ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ________________________________________________________ Supervisors e-mail _________________________________________________ Terms of Arrangement: How often will student/ supervisor meet to discuss thesis progress? When will these meetings occur? What date is outline and bibliography due? Are there any particular requirements/ expectations for the outline and bibliography? What piece of the thesis is due by the due date in fall semester (i.e. first chapter; summaries of multiple chapters; evidence of research progress)? How much progress on the thesis is required to approve students work for continuation in spring semester? What are the expectations for successful completion of the thesis rough draft in spring semester? Students signature _______________________________ Date _____________ Supervisors signature _____________________________ Date ____________ Attachment 4 Supervisor report Fall / Spring semester Students name _____________________________________________________ Thesis title ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor ________________________________________________________ Supervisors e-mail _________________________________________________ Terms of Arrangement: How often student/ supervisor have met to discuss thesis progress? When did these meetings occur? Did student respect requirements for the outline? What piece of the thesis was due by the due date in fall/ spring semester (i.e. first chapter; summaries of multiple chapters; evidence of research progress, etc.)? How much progress on the thesis was required to approve students work for continuation in spring semester? What are the expectations for successful completion of the thesis rough draft in spring semester? Recommend/ not recommend to continue the senior thesis writing Supervisors signature _____________________________ Date ____________ Attachment 5 American University of Central Asia European Studies Department Bachelor Paper Grading Sheet Thesis Viewer: Institution: Student: Bachelor Thesis Topic: Grade: CriteriaPercentageComments Structure: focus, relevance, coherence, research design and logic  20% Analysis: depth, argumentation and development of discussion  30% Research: execution, consistency of interpretation  20% Bibliography and ability to incorporate research data  20% Language competencies: writing expression, style, coherence and unity, grammar, spelling, punctuation  10%Overall AssessmentComments:  Date: Signature: Attachment 6 AmericanUniversityofCentral Asia European Studies Department Guidelines for Grading Grading system for continuous semester courses and other items (term papers, bachelor thesis, internship, and state exam): Letter GradesGradeGrade PointsGrade PercentagesAExcellent4.00Above 93%A-Excellent3.6789.51% - 92.49%B+Good3.3385.51% - 89.49%BGood3.082.51% - 85.49%B-Good2.6779.51% - 82.49%C+Average2.3375.51% - 79.49%CAverage2.072.51% - 75.49%C-Average1.6769.51% - 72.49%D+Poor1.3365.51% - 69.49%DPoor1.062.51% - 65.49%D-Poor0.6759.51% - 62.49%FFail0.0Below 59.49%IIncomplete Not used in computation of GPAP Passed for degree credit, only on a pass/fail basisNot used in computation of GPA Note: These grades are used for all courses of the ES program and will be reflected in the transcripts of students. The grades for the bachelor thesis issued by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education are in a numerical form. Consequently, the letter grades will be converted to numerical grades according to the standards of the Ministry of Education of theKyrgyzRepublic. Quality Points are equal to the sum of the grade points times the number of credits the course is worth. GPAis equal to the Quality points divided by credits earned not including courses with P grade. Grading Criteria for Written Assignments [A] Outstanding: a paper has distinctive ideas, perfectly organized, and is of exceptional quality; a thorough and thoughtful treatment of the topic presented in a logical and convincing manner; the paper has a clearly articulated thesis; the ideas are original and complex; sources are used carefully and appropriately to support the original argument; careful attention is paid to language and to details of expression and presentation. [A-]Excellent: a paper has mostly excellent ideas and content is organized suitably; the paper is well-structured, with clear themes supported by evidence; the ideas are original and complex; sources are used carefully and appropriately; careful attention is paid to language and to details of expression and presentation. Occasional lapses in expressions, in the development of ideas, or in the handling of evidences / or sources. [B+]Very Good: a paper is thorough and thoughtful but lacks originality, comprehensiveness or insight; effective and appropriate structure; mostly relevant evidence is used to support the main argument; the writing style is less fluid or sophisticated than the A papers; attention is paid to language and to details of expression and presentation but with only a few lapses. [B] Generally Very Good: a paper is well-reasoned and well-organized but with little originality; effective and appropriate structure; mostly relevant evidence is used to support the main argument; ideas are well developed and can be easily followed but occasional errors may distract from the content; the writing style is less fluid or sophisticated than the A papers; attention is paid to language and to details of expression and presentation but with only a few lapses. [B-]Good: a paper is well-reasoned and well-organized but with little originality; clear and appropriate structure; mostly relevant evidence is used to support the main argument but difficulties with incorporation of the sources into the line of the argument is evident; ideas are well developed and can be easily followed but occasional errors may distract from the content; attention is paid to language and to details of expression and presentation but with some lapses. [C+] Average: a paper is well-reasoned and well-organized, and shows competency on the subject matter; adequate structure, but there are problems or limitations in logic, argumentation, insights, or organization; the main argument shows good critical skills and originality of thought, but that struggles with problems of expression and presentation. Overall, ideas need to be developed in proper depth but can be followed. [C]Satisfactory: a paper is well-reasoned and well-organized, and shows competency on the subject matter; adequate structure, but there are significant problems or limitations in logic, argumentation, insights, or organization; errors in expression and presentation distract from the development of content. Overall, ideas can usually be followed but need further exploration and deeper development. [C-]Satisfactory: a paper is well-developed but lacks coherence: either because of distracting lapses in language that make ideas difficult to understand or lack of connections and transitions between ideas; Support from sources is weak and not developed enough; nevertheless, this paper meets basic requirements. [D+] Poor: a paper shows a serious attempt but with limited success; there is not clear focus or thesis holding the paper together; evidence is scanty and not clearly linked to the main argument; the handling of evidence raises some concerns; attention to language and presentation is wavering and uncertain; errors in grammar, punctuation; or spelling distract fro#$?@^a` k } J m PoZfhLpr>,!.!P!X!!%E%((L(X((-ɰ hz hz CJ^JaJmH sH (hz hz CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1hz hz 0J,B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -hz hz B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH hz hz CJaJmH sH  hz hz 0J,CJaJmH sH 6$@_a `   uBXZ & FxHd8--]x^Hgdz gdz $a$gdz ;I|Wf?,!T!X!!%%F%'P(T(X(gdz X((-...6..f111123P4T4X4\4`447h888Y:,;.;0;S;U;gdz -- ..5.f1h111244L4`44h8j880;R;U;_;<<9>P>>>> ?@*@>@AA B,B[BBBCCCvDD]E_EE˺˺˺˺˺˺˯˘˯˺%hz hz B*CJOJQJaJph-hz hz B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH hz hz CJaJ hz hz 0J,CJaJmH sH hz hz CJaJmH sH  hz hz CJ^JaJmH sH (hz hz CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH /U;`;<<<g=i=|==>>9>P>>>> ?:?t??*@>@ & Fd8--]^gdz  & Fd8--]^gdz gdz >@b@>AA B,B[BBBB(CCCC%DvD & Fd8--]^gdz  & Fd8--]^gdz  & 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[D]Poor: a paper shows an attempt but with limited success; there is not clear focus or thesis holding the paper together; evidence is scanty and not clearly linked to the main argument; the handling of evidence raises serious concerns, as the evidence is too unsubstantial or too unrelated to the main idea; attention to language and presentation is erratic and uncertain; errors in grammar, punctuation; or spelling distract from the content, but these appear in only a minority of the sentences. This paper contains more errors and or less satisfying development of the content than D+ paper. [D-]Very poor: a paper neither demonstrates understanding of the material nor articulates any coherent argument about it; the paper might wander among several ideas without developing any single one; there is no thesis; the paper is relied on quotations rather than developing original ideas; attention to language and presentation is erratic and uncertain; errors in grammar, punctuation; or spelling distract from the content. [F] Fail: a paper fails to address the assignment in fundamental ways and reveals serious writing problems of the author. The paper is plagiarized from other sources.    HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftnref1" \o "" [1] Syllabus LIT 2172:Politics & Parctice: Cultural production in the Modern Middle East& North Africa (Bard college)  HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftnref2" \o "" [2] Hogue, Ann & Oshima, Alice. Writing academic English. 4th edition. Pearson Education, 2000. P.128.  HYPERLINK "http://auca.kg/_adm/index.php?optionspage=609" \l "_ftnref3" \o "" [3] A Guide to Writing a Thesis in Political Science or International Relations atSimmonsCollege.Boston. http://www.simmons.edu/undergraduate/academics/departments/political-science/docs/Senior_Thesis_pols.doc G4H4L466|nn$If]^$$If]^a$qkd!$$If0$064ab666P8R8|nn$If]^$$If]^a$qkdI"$$If0$064abR8S8W8Y8888||nnn$If]^$$If]^a$qkd"$$If0$064ab889999 9 9 99:;;gdz gdz qkd#$$If0$064ab 9 9 9 99]9^9a9b999%:&:):*:b:d:::::::;;н~k$hz h[CJOJQJaJmH sH hz hz CJH*aJmH sH  hz hz 0JCJaJmH sH hz hz CJaJmH sH jhz hz CJUaJ%hz hz B*CJOJQJaJph.j&$hz hz B*CJOJQJUaJph-hz hz B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH ,1h. 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