Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 18-24, 2012
Migration as a risk factor
Human Rights Commission under the RK President discusses labor legislation |
Almazbek Atambayev banks on educated Kyrgyz nationals who left the country because of objective reasons – Alisher Madanbekov
Kazakhstan's President agrees to increase duration of stay up to 90 days for Kyrgyz citizens
Deputy Head of State Registration Service Bolot Junusov to be Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Russian Federation
National Security Committee expresses its concern on losing control over migration flows in case of introducing visa-free regime in Kyrgyzstan
45 young specialists from KR to be employed in St. Petersburg in March – Minister A. Alymkuov
Ex-President R. Otunbaeva got introduced to state bodies’ work on Indian diasporas abroad during her visit to India
Out of 4,635 unauthorized houses only 1,500 can be legalized in new settlements around Bishkek
Unemployed Kyrgyzstanis to get jobs in Russia
8.6% of population in Kyrgyzstan are unemployed
Mufti to disciple migrants from Kyrgyzstan in good morals and proper behavior in Russia’s Chita
More than 14 thousand unemployed registered in Osh oblast
106,700 Kyrgyzstanis officially worked in Russia in 2011
“Ar-Namys” faction hear results of KR Embassy in Russia inspection: financial violation of 5 million som revealed |
Uzbek authorities eased residence registration in Tashkent
Labor migrants from Uzbekistan are the most law abiding
Uzbek and Turkmen citizens on a trial case for human trafficking |
Recommendations on introducing amendments in Draft Law “On Labor Migration of Citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan Abroad”, Human Rights Center and International federation on Human Rights
Tajik officials meet with migration authorities in Russia’s Tyumen
Tajik ambassador, Qatari labor minister discuss cooperation on labor migration
First group of Tajik migrants receive ‘labor patents’ in Moscow
Tajik Culture Center opens in Moscow
Tajik labor migrants issues discussed in Krasnodar Krai
Job fair held in Khudjand
Tajik diaspora did not participate in events in Egypt
In Liningrad oblast Tajiks rob illegal migrants
Escaped Gastarbeiter from detention center returns In Russian: . |
Introducing amendments in migration registration rules for foreign citizens
Amendments in package of documents to apply for accompanying family members’ invitation
FMS Head K. Romodanovsky suggests strict punishment for organizers of illegal migration
Prohorov proposes closing Russian borders with Central Asian states and introducing visa regime
Deputy of Moscow State Duma proposes ban for CIS migrants to bring their family members to Russia
Labor migrants take 7% of jobs in Russia
Onishenko does not trust medical services of Asian countries checking migrants
Police to be instructed on behaviour towards migrants
Onishenko concerned about migrants living in basements
Medical and legal issues of migration discussed in Moscow
Nearly 3.5 million illegal migrants work in Russia
More than 3 million migrants working in Russia do not pay taxes
Moscow develops ways to teach migrants’ children
Growing threat of purchase of fake medical record sheets in Russia
For migrants planning to work in private entities
Around 100 nationalists detained at Manezhnaya Square, witnesses report violence against migrants
5 people to be judged for issuing fake documents to migrants |
BWI Affiliates in Central Asia Sign Agreement to Protect Migrant Workers
FMS Head: No plan for CIS visa regime
Expanding horizons of partnership
Two check-points to open at Kyrgyz-Kazakh Border
Migrants from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan detained at a construction site in Kalachinsk during a raid
8 people escaped from migrant detention center in St. Petersburg
85 foreign citizens working at a large-scale construction site miss work permit |
M. Egamzod: New Tajik Culture Center in Moscow to reclaim good reputation of Tajiks
Migrants to be included in labor structure
Russia changes labor migration laws
K. Sharipov: Statement of the Moscow Housing and Public Utilities Department’s Head can be taken as an element of striking a conflict
Abuse at state border. Prayer before take-off at Dushanbe-Moscow train
Migration in Kyrgyzstan: debate a matter in mind
Bishkek and Lagos: form and shape…
These chains so united, so powerful…
Russians are ready to tolerate migrants |
“Labor Markets and the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Tajikistan”, by Antje Kroeger and Kristina Meier, German Institute for Economic Research, 2011
News of Labor Migration from Tajikistan. Review of media on CA and RF No 34
“Enhancing the contribution of migration to the development of migrants, communities and states”, Draft Concept Paper, Global Forum on Migration and Development, Mauritius 2012
“Migration. XXI century” Journal, No 10
The Annual Report 2011 for the Project “Legal Assistance to Migrants in Krasnodar region”, by non-profit organization “Southern Regional Resource Center” |
“The art of living together” First International Contest on Best Mass Media Item on Integration of Labor Migrants and Migration Policy in RF, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here. |